Goosebumps at League of Legends: Epic cinematic breaks records, brings tears to the eyes


League of Legends rings in the 2024 season with a cinematic that has it all: More than 21 million views collected the video on the first day alone – more than any other LoL video. There are even tears flowing!

What to see: The render trailer shows some of the LoL heroes in epic battle, including the winged demon Aatrox, the angelic Kayle and the honorable Yasuo as an older man (which is a new skin in the game, by the way).

The song in the video: The video also marks the premiere of the song “Still Here”, which was written by Forts, Tiffany Aris, 2WEI. And the combination of music, dramatic action and first-class quality leaves no eye dry.

The video hits a nerve:  “The way this man looks at his wife after she saves him makes me cry,” writes one user, earning a lot of encouragement. He was referring to the end of the video, when archer Ashe rushes to the aid of the savage barbarian warrior called Tryndamere in the snowy forest. Someone else commented: “Riot’s cinematics bring tears to my eyes and give me goosebumps every time. “

But there’s a lot more happening around League of Legends in 2024: Season 2 of Arcane will start on Netflix in November, the farming simulation Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story will be released this year and we’re expecting news about Project L, a fighting game in the LoL world.