Gotham Knights scares with 30 FPS limit, but PC players can breathe a sigh of relief


On the official Discord channel, the developers announce that there will be no performance mode for console players. This news is not going down well.

Just a few days before its release, the action game Gotham Knights surprised with some disappointing news for console gamers. It was announced on Discord that the game could only be played at 30 FPS on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. This decision was justified by the fact that the game could only be played at 30 FPS. You can find out the reasons for this decision and what applies to the PC version here.

Special features cost performance

The following message was posted on the official Discord server on 15 October, just under a week before the game’s release on 21 October (following message):

I know many of you are wondering if there will be a performance mode for Gotham Knights on consoles. Due to certain features in our game, such as the completely free co-op experience in our highly detailed open world, it is not possible to simply lower the resolution to achieve higher FPS. For this reason, our game has no way to switch between performance and quality and will run at 30 FPS on consoles.

Many players, however, probably can’t imagine enjoying Gotham Knights in only 30 FPS and now don’t want to buy the game or have cancelled their pre-order. For example, Frogboyx1Gaming wrote on Twitter:

R34L1TY on the other hand wonders why there can’t be a compromise if features like co-op mode are the reason for the 30 FPS limitation:

Others also express little understanding for the developers’ reasoning. The Twitter account Visual Fidelity, for example, argues similarly to many others that it is possible to deliver a performance mode with many current titles:

What about the PC?

Those who want to play on the PC, however, have no reason to worry: Here, not only are upscaling technologies such as Nvidia’s DLSS supposed to improve performance, but also the FPS, as is usual for the platform, is not capped. The PC trailer shows the most important features and talks about ultra-high framerates: