Is Lissandra going to the Jungle? Next role-swap hints at

‎Is Lissandra going to the jungle


Mid lane champion Lissandra could also become playable in the Jungle as the next champion. Riot Games shows interest in possible buffs and gets support from community.

At eight years old, the ice witch Lissandra is one of the older champions in League of Legends. The solo laner rarely shows up in the current meta, but surprisingly received the attention of Riot Games designer RiotPhlox last week: Lissandra is currently being tested within the team in the Jungle role to identify necessary buffs. The community showed interest.

Monsters as ice slaves

Lissandra is commonly established as a mid-laner, and here uses her ice attacks to inflict numerous crowd-control effects on her opponents. The discussion about her possible jungle debut pushed a few days ago a community member on Redditwho had tried her out on the position.

According to user Bactyrael, the biggest weakness of the supposed AP Jungler is her clear speed in the early game. As necessary changes, the person therefore suggests a modified Passive as well as Q-ability of Lissandra.

Riot Games designer RiotPhlox responded and seemed taken with the idea of a Jungle option for Lissandra. “I’ve been dabbling with it […] it’s really cool to turn monsters into ice slaves,” RiotPhlox said. Outside of this, however, Lissandra would need a lot of customisation before her role-swap could be released.

When could the Jungle Swap come?

RiotPhlox thus says that the design team at Riot Games has already looked into the idea of a Jungle Lissandra, after all. Whether the changes mentioned on Reddit will make it into an upcoming patch, however, is still up in the air.

For the next update 11.20, Lissandra is not yet on the champion list. If Riot Games decides to make the change after further tests, it will probably not be included in the game until patch 11.21 at the earliest.