Jungle and Top-Lane in Focus of LoL Patch 11.20

Jungle and Top-Lane in the focus of LoL-Patch 11.20


In a preview of LoL-Patch 11.20 we can take a first look at upcoming nerfs and buffs. Most eye-catching is a generous Hecarim buff.


In a new tweet from LoL designer Phlox on Twitter, more details about the upcoming patch come to light. This time all the buffs go to jungle champions, the nerfs in turn go to the top lane and a few junglers.

Hecarim probably gets the most significant buff. His W-Cooldown is reduced from 18-22 seconds depending on the level of the ability to only 18 seconds for all levels. Thus, he can heal himself a lot already on low levels in the early game. In addition, he heals himself on all objects that are not enemies with this ability now by a lot more than before (90/120/150/180/210 ☻☻ 120/150/180/210/240).


Some changes in the Jungle

Darius, Elise and Udyr also get buffs. Darius’ W-Cooldown is reduced at all levels, Elise gets more base health and Attack Range. Amumu’s Q damage has been reduced and the mana cost for the ability massively increased. Junglers can now only use Smite to regain up to 10% of their maximum health instead of the previous maximum of 15.

On the top lane, some pressure has been taken off with nerfs of the champions Irelia, Jarvan IV, Shen and Singed – here, the damage of some abilities and resistances have been worked on for the most part. Patch 11.20 will reach our servers during Wednesday evening.

Message from 28.09.:

Today the first preview for the new League of Legends patch 11.20 was released via Twitter. This patch has no impact on the World Championship and therefore puts the focus back on different solo queue champions.

Phlox, one of the Riot designers for League of Legends, already has a rough overview of the buffs and nerfs, respectively the general system nerfs. These include the Smite ability and the Lord-Dominik’s-Regards item. The buff list currently includes Senna, Darius, Elise, Hecarim and Udyr.

The Taliyah nerf is the main focus of patch 11.20. Taliyah was buffed with patch 11.18. However, according to Riot, these changes led to the champion dominating too much in the Jungle. In addition, there are further nerfs to Irelia, Jarvan IV and Amumu. The patch will be playable in the client from 6 October.