K’Sante on the hit list!


After less than a year, K’Sante is already undergoing a rework!

What do Rell, Yuumi, Zeri and K’Sante have in common? That’s right, they were all plagued by countless adjustments and revisions in a very short period of time.

It seems to be a new trend to release unfinished release and then adjust them to their “final form” after many frustrated games and players

The problem

The biggest problem with new champions is the need for new Abilities, Champion designs and mechanics. While Zeri and Rell were initially described as “useless “ before rising to the heights of LP-Gain  buffed both Yuumi and K’Sante enjoyed high popularity. However, what these 4 have in common is their high creativity of Champion design.

The fact that creativity from Riot usually doesn’t mean anything good for the balance should be known to every LoL player. Over the years, designs like Aphelios, Yasuo all the way to Bel’ Veth have been established with the infamous “200 years of champion design experience. “

In addition to creative ideas, however, there were also outright copies, see Nilah or Yone. These champions are much easier to balance thanks to their similarity to another champ.

problem child K’Sante

Not so with K’Sante.  Popular with pros and abysmally bad in the lower divisions the wide top laner with the N’Tofos is a true balancing hell.  His high damage combined with his sustain and tankiness make him a hate pick on the toplane. To fill this role as an annoying laner who seems to win out of nowhere, Riot plans to make the following changes:


  • Life changed from 610 +108 to 570 +115
  • Armor increase increased from 4.7 to 5.2


  • Passive Marks no longer scale with Ultimate

Q – Ntofo Strikes

  • Base Damage reduced from 50-150 to 30-150
  • Improved Q-Cooldown changed from 1 second to 25% of CD.
  • Amplified Q slowed now

W – Path Maker

  • Damage the W changed from 2-3% to 7-8% based on recharge time + 20-100 +50% AD +30% bonus resistances +6-10% Max. Health.
  • Stun duration increased from 0.3-0.8 seconds to 1.25 seconds.
  • Ramped W recharge time reduced to 0.5 seconds.
  • Enhanced W no longer increases damage of W
  • Damage reduction of boosted W reduced from 30% +1.2% per 100 basehealth +12% bonus resistances to 50-75% based on level.
  • Enhancement Reduces W’s cooldown from 24-16 to 18-12 seconds

R – All Out

  • Non-Wall Damage changed from 35-105 +20% AD to 70-150 +100% AP
  • Wall Damage changed from 150-350 +20% AD to 70-150 +100% AP
  • Bonus AD changed from 5 +32.5% bonus resists to 15-45 +25% bonus resists
  • Omnivamp changed from 10% +0.75% per 100 bonus health to 10-20%
  • The Ultimate now gives 25-45% bonus attackspeed
  • Max. HP in Ultimate increased from 55% max. HP to 65% max. HP
  • Knock-back decreased from 350 to 300

Rumor has it that these changes are already coming to K’Sante in patch 13.20. Whether these changes can finally balance him remains to be seen.