League of Legends 101 – Dragons and how to play around them

‎League of Legends 101 – Dragons and how to play around them
‎League of Legends 101 – Dragons and how to play around them

Dragons, Dragon Souls and Elder Dragons can win you the game in League of Legends. Here’s how to play around dragons better!

LoL Season 10 brought a massive overhaul to the game in the form of changes to dragons. With the introduction of the “Dragon Soul” and the change to the Elder Dragon buff, dragons have become an important option to win the game in almost every match. In both ranked and professional play, how a team plays around the dragon pit can ultimately be game-changing.

Knowing how and when to play around dragons can be one of the most important aspects of a team’s macro game. Here are the basics about dragons and our tips on how to play around them!

The four dragons, their buffs and who they benefit

There are four elemental dragons that add up to eventually grant you the Dragon Soul. While the different dragons all grant unique buffs, they can benefit different team compositions and individual champions differently. Each dragon’s buffs are also addable, which drastically increases their priority over the course of the game (especially if it should be one of the stronger Dragon Souls).

– The Grace of the Cloud Dragon grants additional ability speed for the ultimate abilities.

– The Hell Dragon increases attack damage and ability power. Especially Carrys like ADCs and Mages benefit greatly from this dragon.

– The Mountain Dragon grants increased armour and magic resistance.

– The Sea Dragon’s buff restores a percentage of missing health every 5 seconds and is especially good when a team is lacking in healing.

Elder Dragon and Dragon Soul – The Great Buffs

The Dragon Soul has become almost indispensable for winning games late in the game. After a team manages to slay a total of four dragons, they receive a permanent buff that lasts for the rest of the game. This buff differs depending on which dragons were killed last. The Elder Dragon only appears after a team has obtained the Dragon Soul.

Just like the individual dragons, the four different Dragon Souls vary in their effects and strength.

– The Hell Soul grants bonus damage to attacks every 3 seconds, both to the target and to nearby enemies.

– The Mountain Soul grants a passive shield when not in combat.

– The Sea Soul drastically helps with team healing and assists in team fights, as own damage to the opponent aids healing and restores mana.

– The Cloud Soul grants a 10% passive movement speed increase, giving you priority on neutral target objects and allowing you to intercept enemies.

The Elder Dragon provides perhaps the greatest advantage in team combat in the current version of the game. The Elder Dragon, which can only spawn when a team has gained a Dragon Soul, gives players additional stats and an execution mechanic. If enemy players drop below 20% of their health points, they are automatically executed.

When should you attack the dragons?

Now that the basics are settled, it is a matter of finding opportunities when to attack a dragon. Since the dragon pit is located between the mid and bot lane, pushing lanes and the possibility to get to the dragon first are immensely helpful to gain vision early. Priority in these two lanes is therefore an important factor in playing for the dragons early. Since the first dragon spawns after only five minutes, you will rarely have the opportunity to kill it at that time.

You should keep an eye on your opponent’s jungler and pay attention to when he appears on the mini-map. If your opponent shows up, whether farming camps or attacking a tower or the Rift Herald, you should use this information to secure the dragon. Winning bot lane battles can also be a good opportunity to quickly kill another dragon. Ultimately, you should use any numerical superiority to give you an advantage in the fight for the dragon and the dragon soul.

When to engage in dragon fighting (and when not to)

Fights for the Dragon Soul or the Elder Dragon buff in the later game can prove far more complicated, as they are often 5v5 battles that can decide the fate of a match. The moments right before a team begins to take down the dragon in the late game are actually the most important in the entire game.

If you’re on the attacking side, you can pressure the opposing team’s tanks and carries before the Engage, setting up and facilitating your final Engage. If your jungler has Smite, it is a good option to look for the fight and possibly steal the dragon or just finish off the opposing team.

If you are on the side that is trying to secure the dragon and fight off the opponents, you have a much more difficult task. If you are not far ahead of your opponents in terms of items, keep an eye on your health and mana bars.

If you find yourself under too much pressure, you should ultimately choose to retreat and merely prevent your opponents from slaying the dragon themselves. An uncoordinated attack by the enemy team or an excessive advance by a carry are quite often the key to finding a successful fight.