League of Legends 101 – How to dominate as ADC

League of Legends 101
League of Legends 101

The ADC can often decide the game. We show you how you can dominate the bot lane with this role.

The ADC is the most important source of damage in any good team composition. The role has changed a lot over the years, although the core idea behind the position remains the same. Differences in mobility, damage type and item build have become apparent between champions.

With newer champions having more and more abilities to quickly close gaps and deal damage, it is more important than ever to recognise an ADC’s win condition at different stages of the match.

The Farm Fest at the beginning of the match

ADC is a notoriously self-serving role and requires a corresponding amount of resources to build their advantage early. CSing, i.e. farming minions, is therefore a crucial part of the role that must be constantly practised. ADCs rely almost exclusively on their item power spikes. Even small advantages that give you bonus gold should not be underestimated, because getting your items even a moment earlier can make all the difference.

In the early game, 2v2s in the bot lane are a double-edged sword, as they can either drastically increase or decrease priority. You should only engage in 2v2s if both you and your support can attack the same opponent. Ideally, the enemy ADC should be taken out, but of course it is more difficult to focus on him. If there is no opportunity to do so, the game is not yet lost. Being tied or even slightly behind in the lane is far better than falling behind. ADCs are among the champions who have the hardest time making any real impact once they fall behind.

Your role in the backline

A large number of the ADCs flourish when used as a damage source in the backline. After the first or second item power spike, you can start taking over the game as the primary damage dealer. You should find good angles where you can take enemy fire while staying out of range of enemy abilities. You should also avoid staying near the front line, as the longer you stay alive and out of CC range, the more damage potential you will have.

In a few cases, such as when playing Kai’sa, your main objective will be to destroy the enemy backline. Most ADCs have some form of burst damage and are incredibly good at dealing follow up damage when the opponent’s attention is diverted elsewhere. However, as a relatively fragile champion, you will not be able to go toe-to-toe with all champions for long.

ADC Items

Your item build as an ADC is as important to your performance as your skills. In Season 11, two items have largely dominated ADC builds: Kraken Enforcer and Stormwind. Stormwind provides additional Peel for otherwise immobile champions and a three-hit active ability that can take out targets after a close fight. Krakenbezwinger is far better suited to crit-based champions, which is particularly good against tanks with its passive on-hit damage.

Items that increase your damage output should be a top priority. The Collector and the Blade of Infinity are both useful options. You can win team fights with these items in the beginning, but as the game progresses you should focus more on items that increase your stamina. The Phantom Dancer is a possible fourth choice that still maximises your damage potential while providing extra peeling by increasing movement speed by 7%.

As enemy champions get stronger and can compete with your damage, prioritise healing items. Guardian Angel’s passive, Last Rescue, gives you a second chance in teamfights and a “safety net” of sorts. Lord Dominik’s Greetings provides a percentage bonus to physical damage based on the enemy’s maximum health – so it’s particularly strong against tanks. Ultimately, an ADC’s item build is incredibly dependent on the state of the game and the composition of the opponent’s teams, but recognising and maximising its effectiveness is relatively simple. So always think carefully about what is the best build for you in the situation.

Runes and Summoner Spells

With runes, the two main staples are dominance and precision. Blade Hail is a great rune for ADCs who focus more on attack speed and whose primary damage source is normal attacks. For precision, champions who mainly focus on critical hits are suitable. These work best with the primary runes Focused Attack or Deadly Speed.

No matter which primary rune you take, Inspiration is one of the best secondary runes. As mentioned earlier, ADCs should farm to reach their power spikes for mythic items quickly. Both Magic Footwear and Cookie Delivery reduce the amount of gold you would otherwise spend on early shoes and healing potions. So you can spend your gold early on more damage, giving you an advantage in direct combat.