League of Legends – The worst counter matchups in MOBA!


Are there any counter champions that don”t even make it worth playing the game anymore? We took a look at the strongest matchups in LoL.

The balancing in League of Legends is such a thing. Although Riot regularly tries to make adjustments through patches and make all champions playable as much as possible, some champions simply always have clear advantages over others. The so-called counters have abilities that are particularly effective against their own champion.

In the ban phase, it is possible to take the counter of your main champion out of the game. But since there is only one ban, it is not always possible to protect yourself from your counter. These are the worst counter matchups in LoL!

Renekton vs Yasuo

The Yasuo player will have little fun here. Renekton does more damage to Yasuo early in the game. Once he reaches level 3, he can use his combo to keep the Yasuo player away from the minions.

He can use his E to jump forward, then use his W to stun Yasuo and deal damage, and his Q to deal damage again and heal himself. Afterwards, he only has to press E again to distance himself again.

Renekton collects fury with each of his attacks and at over 50 percent of it he does extra damage, which makes the Yasuo player easy prey right at the start. Should the Yasuo player try to follow Renekton, all the latter has to do is wait for his stun again and then give Yasuo the rest.

Yasuo normally scores with his Windwall, but it does not protect him from Renekton. Yasuo”s damage is also not enough to kill Tank Renekton, while the latter continues to deal a lot of damage along with his high life.

Anivia vs Vladimir

Anivia clearly has the edge here. Her abilities have a longer range and with her ice wall she can stop Vladimir from escaping. Vladimir can no longer be targeted in his pool of blood, but if Anivia puts her Ultimate ability under him and then uses her ice wall to trap him, Vladimir players have little chance.

Anivia also has a very good Waveclear and is hard to divide thanks to her Passives, Stun and Ice Wall. Vladimir, on the other hand, has a poor waveclear and can”t farm as well under the tower, especially if he”s further pressured by Anivia”s ranged attacks.

Normally, Vladimir players win their lane by having a gold advantage, which you keep building up over the course of the game. With Anivia as an opponent, however, this condition for victory is hardly achievable.

Cassadin vs Tristana

Tristana almost certainly wins this one. Especially at the beginning of the game she scores with a higher range, which allows her to keep Kassadin from farming.

Kassadin usually convinces at the latest with level 6 with his Ult, with which he can quickly overcome distances and build up. Tristana, however, can do this as well. With her W, she can both catch up to a fleeing Kassadin and escape from him herself if he decides to attack her.

Tristana”s Ultimate ability can also push him back if Kassadin approaches with his Ult.