LoL: ADC legend UZI stops


Jian “Uzi Zi Hao, one of the most successful AD Carries of all time has officially retired from League of Legends.

Uzi has had health problems for quite some time, even in his heyday as a player. Due to increasing physical stress, the 23-year-old pro has now decided to leave his mouse and keyboard behind.

Since his debut in 2012, Uzi has established himself as one of the most mechanically talented players in League of Legends. Despite his many victories, including two LPL titles and a win at the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational, he never managed to reach the infamous Worlds title. In 2013 and 2014, he and his team finished second in both events.

Health problems
Uzi had been struggling with his physical health for quite some time. Especially his shoulders and arms suffered from the wear and tear of being a professional athlete. He was already thinking about a possible end to his career in 2015. In a post on the Chinese platform Weibo he explains his problems very precisely.

The unbalanced lifestyle of many professional players with little sleep, psychological stress and poor nutrition have contributed to type 2 diabetes in his case. Uzi made this diagnosis half a year ago. Despite adjustments to his lifestyle over the past six months, his condition has hardly improved at all.
His long-term glucose levels are still well above normal. The medicine that is necessary has contributed to his poor psychological condition. His doctor advised him to take drastic measures, otherwise there would be serious consequences.

Now he had to accept that his body could no longer keep up. Even if he leaves the active roster at RNG, he wants to continue working with the team in the future.

In his eight-year career, Uzi became known as one of the most iconic AD carriers of all time. He will always be considered the master of his role.