LoL celebrates Worlds launch with Event Pass, new skins, URF and Clash

‎LoL Celebrates Worlds Launch with Event Pass

Riot Games has some content ready for the LoL Worlds 2021. There are many new skins, an Event Pass and the game mode URF.

The starting shot for this year’s League of Legends World Championship in Iceland will be fired on 5 October. While the world’s best professionals are already busily preparing for the most important competition of the year, fans can now also jump into the game with fresh motivation. Riot Games brings some new features like skins and the URF mode.

URF Mode and Event Pass are coming back

The developer posted a short video on Thursday teasing the contents of the new event. This started on Thursday evening and runs until 9 November.

As usual, an Event Pass awaits, which is filled with tokens, loot orbs, further rewards such as emotes or icons and additional missions. Some of the in-game missions are available to all players, and there will probably be watch missions for the World Championship again.

Those who are in the mood for a chaotic and fast LoL game will be happy about the return of the URF game mode. In this mode, abilities cost neither mana nor energy and the cooldowns are greatly reduced. This means that players can basically spam all their spells and cause a lot of fun chaos. URF will be active until the end of the event on 9 November.

Clash fans can mark their calendars for two weekends as the competitive game mode in the League of Legends client returns to celebrate the World Championship. On 2 and 3 October, as well as on 16 and 17 October, you can prove your skills with your friends. Rewards include Victory Points, Worlds-style banners and logos.

More skins to collect

A few new skins are also coming to the game as part of the Worlds event. Champions Yone, Morgana, Vex, Kayn, Tryndamere and Lillia will receive skins for the existing Dawnbringer and Nightbringer ranks. The annual Worlds skin this time has been given to Jarvan IV. As in previous years, Riot Games will pass on part of the proceeds from this skin to the participants of the World Championship.

For fans of Halloween or spooky aesthetics in general, special sweets await in the upcoming patch 11.20. Several champions will receive a skin from the Bewitching series: Yuumi, Fiora, Nami, Poppy and Syndra. Morgana will also receive a Prestige Bewitching version as the main character. The outfits are decorated with pumpkins and in classic witchy purple tones.