LoL Champion Briar gets urgent buffs after release


Riot Games buffs new League of Legends champion Briar after less than a week.

The newest LoL champion Briar has been available to all League of Legends players since Wednesday. However, the introduction of the bloodthirsty monster did not go as planned at all for developer studio Riot Games, with the new champion achieving a disastrous win rate of just 32% in ranked mode. 

Riot Games accordingly felt compelled to loosen Briar’s shackle and buff her.

What has been changed?

Seemingly most players still have problems using Briar’s abilities so Riot decided to make several improvements.

Briar got more health points per hotfix, from 590 to 610.

Her e-skill “Bloodthirsty Scream” has received two improvements. Its cooldown has been reduced from 18 seconds to 16 seconds, and it now receives 40% damage reduction instead of 35% while Briar charges its ability.

What does the future hold for Briar?

Riot Games is confident despite the weak start, but also wants to be cautious with the improvements, as the champion is still in the getting-to-know-you phase with players.

The changes are solely to grant players an easier introduction with the champion.

So Lead Champion Designer “RiotAugust” also wrote the following on Twitter, “… We are cautious with the changes as we expect it to become stronger as players get to know their skills better. “