LoL champion Rengar before rework in the Jungle

LoL-Champion Rengar vor Rework
LoL-Champion Rengar vor Rework

Jungle Rengar’s days in the spotlight are long numbered in Season 11 – Riot Games is looking to bring the champion back with a rework in the future.

Riot Games specified last Saturday changes to Rengar that will be made within a rework. This is intended to make the champion in Jungle playable on lower elos. The adjustments were shared by Riot Games designer Phlox on Twitter and are currently already being tested on PBE servers. However, an official release date has not yet been set.

Originally intended as a Jungle Champion, Rengar has fallen to one of the lowest win rates ever in LoL Season 11 with just under 45 percent and is now more likely to be chosen on the top lane by many players. The update aims to counter this trend and bring the Hunter back to the Jungle.

New E and changed stack count

Rengar will receive revisions to three of his abilities. Affected are the W ability “Battle Roar” as well as “Bola Strike” on the E button and the passive “Unseen Predator”.

The passive ability is to receive the most changes in the rework mentioned. Instead of four fierceness boosts, it will soon only receive three, while the famous Hunter’s Leap will no longer grant any at zero stacks.

The hunter’s ferocity will probably expire within ten seconds instead of only eight after the update. Similarly, while it grants a lower buff to Rengar’s movement speed at full stacks, it would then last three seconds instead of 1.5.

The W ability “Battle Roar” would partially lose its healing effect in the update: This would then only apply to a Rengar with maximum ferocity stacks. Without these, the hunter would still benefit from ten armour and magic resist points. The Wildness buff would also no longer be able to block crowd control effects.

Two new effects of the e-skill “Bola Strike” are in store for the update. On the one hand, the action is supposed to reveal enemies for two seconds, on the other hand, it is supposed to become immediately applicable in the jump – i.e. without cast duration.

Rengar Jungle for all Elos?

The adjustments are intended to compensate for some of the champion’s disadvantages and make its Jungle variant legitimate for players of lower Elos, Phlox said on Twitter. However, it is also stressed that the changes are not yet set in stone. The team responsible is taking enough time to develop Rengar in a direction “that everyone is happy with”.