LoL Guide: How to play Statikk Shiv-LeBlanc like a pro


Actually, Statikk Shiv is an ADC item. Pro players, however, are now dominating the mid-lane with a strong build on Mage LeBlanc. We’ll show you how it’s done

In patch 13.10, the item Statikk Shiv was reintroduced. Actually, it should be an item for ADCs, but currently some pro players rather dominate the midlane with it. A somewhat special build for LeBlanc is particularly popular with many midlaners.

Statikk Shiv – LeBlanc for the Extra Burst

Although Riot Games may have originally planned it differently: Statikk Shiv is no longer a pure ADC item. An exotic LeBlanc build is currently exciting some pro players and seems to be gaining acceptance in the meta.

The slightly different LeBlanc build is already being used in the LCK.

The midlaner from Dplus KIA, “Showmaker “, for example, used it to dismantle his opponents from Nongshim RedForce on 18 June.

In this clip of yesterday’s best-of-3s, you can see pretty well why the combination of Statikk Shiv and LeBlanc is so popular right now.

In the pros, statikk accounts for about 20%-30% of the total damage at the end of a game. So it’s definitely worth trying out the new build.

Since LeBlanc is a champion that relies on burst damage even with her normal items, Statikk is the perfect item to maximize it.

How the Statikk Shiv LeBlanc build works

Although Statikk is not a Mythic Item, it is best bought anyway as the first item in this build It might make the laning phase a bit more difficult as you have less AP than your opponents at the beginning, but the purchase will pay off as the game goes on

After you have completed Statikk, there are several options.

Midlane legend Faker relies on Night Harvester as a Mythic Item in his (SoloQ games) an alternative would be Luden’s Echo.

After your Mythic Item, Lich Bane is absolutely essential. Since you’ll be using auto-attacks anyway due to Statikk, it’s the perfect item to equip you with even more bonus Damage and Burst.

After these three items, you can customize your build however you like.

Rabadon’s and Mejai’s are good option for a strong snowball effect, while  Shadowflame and Void Staff melt the resistances of your opponents. Also Zhonyas is useful if you want to put something on the defensive.

So, for example, your finished item build might look like this:


This build includes Statikk Shiv, Night Harvester, Lich Bane, Rabadon’s Deathcap & Zhonya’s Hourglass.

Which runes for Statikk Shiv LeBlanc?

Statikk Shiv is not the only unusual thing about the new LeBlanc build. The pro’s rune pages also look more like an ADC’s.


The Precision Tree with Fleet Footwork provides LeBlanc Mobility and some healing. Furthermore, Presence of Mind ensures that you have enough mana available, especially in battles.

While we went for Sorcery with Manaflow Band and Scorch in the second tree, you can also go for the Biscuits and Magical Footwear in the Inspiration Tree depending on your preferences.

It remains to be seen how long Statikk Shiv can be played this way. However, as long as Riot Games doesn’t change the item, it’s worth giving the build a chance, especially as a LeBlanc player.