LoL history made! Tyler1’s journey to becoming a Multi-Challenger


Top streamer Tyler1 has become the second person ever to achieve the highest rank of Challenger in all five roles in League of Legends. We have documented his journey.

The streamer Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp, best known for his laugh-out-loud comments, has done it after almost two years: He has reached the highest rank in League of Legends in all five roles. In the four roles Jungle, Top-Lane, Mid-Lane and of course his main role AD-Carry he had already reached Challenger for a long time, only the Support role was still missing – until a few days ago.

Official number 1 in North America

Tyler1 is the first player on the NA servers to reach Challenger in all five roles and the first player in the world to stream his mission almost in its entirety.

Before him, only two other players achieved this Achievement: Pro player Carl Felix “MagiFelix” Boström (EUW) and Jeong “Dopa” Sang-Gil (KR). However, Dopa’s account has been banned by Riot Games for 1000 years for illegal boosting, which is why his Achievement is not considered official.

With different accounts, each created for only one specific role, Tyler1 embarked on a mission to become a multi-challenger.

Main account “S8 IS SO FUN “

With his main account “S8 IS SO FUN“, on which he mainly plays AD-Carry and mains Draven, Tyler1 had already been a Challenger for several seasons. The challenge now was to get into the other roles, learn them AND then become even better than other players who have mastered this particular role for years. But that seems to have been no problem for the streamer.

Jungle account “BUZZLIGHTYEAR99”

Tyler1 started his mission in the Jungle in late 2019, although he had never seriously considered the role before. On May 28, 2020, after 1811 Games, the time finally came for his Jungle-only account to reach Challenger. With more than 400 Games played on Olaf, he had a 57 per cent win rate on Champion. His other most played champions were Ivern, Karthus, Jarvan IV and Lee Sin.

Top Lane Account “HULKSMASH1337”

On 1 June 2021, Tyler1 won the last of a total of 1741 games on the top lane, which earned him the rank of Challenger. His most played champion there was Cho’Gath, followed by Urgot, Irelia, Aatrox and Quinn. He had an approximate win rate of 50 percent on all champions, with the highest on Cho’Gath (56 percent).

Mid-lane account “MAMMOTHMAN65”

Within two months Tyler1 already reached his goal on the mid-lane on 23 September 2021. For this he needed 669 Games.

After achieving the rank, he suggested to Twitch that they change the banner for the League of Legends category to his face. This didn’t happen, but instead the official LoL Twitter account changed the profile picture to a montage of him as Annies Tibbers for a short period of time.

Support account “COOKIEMONSTER123”

The last remaining role Tyler1 had to master to reach his goal was Support. After 431 games and a 55% win rate, it was within just a week and a half that Tyler1 had his Challenger series complete. With 104 games, Nautilus was his most played supporter. After that, in descending order of frequency, came Karma, Pyke, Rakan, Blitzcrank and Janna.

Video: Starting at minute 43, you can watch the history-making destruction of the enemy Nexus. Attention: It’s getting loud!

Apparently, Tyler1 relied mostly on rather dominant champions in the bot lane for his support mission. He achieved the highest win rate with Pyke: he won a full 64 percent of his 88 Pyke games. According to Tyler1, support was the easiest role. He would have played most of the time as a supporter in “autopilot”. In addition, according to him, all support players “sucked”.

Little side hustle from Riot Games

There’s apparently a reward from Riot Games for his successful mission. On Twitter, the official League of Legends account posted that they would send him a small gift for this Achievement.

Nevertheless, Riot does not let him forget that he has a dark past as a LoL player. Because on Twitter they congratulate him for leaving it behind and becoming a better player: “There’s a thin line between passion and tilt. Congrats on staying more focused and making it to the second ever 5-Roll Challenger. “

In April 2016, Tyler1 was given a perma-ban by Riot Games for repeated and years of toxic behaviour in their games, which applied to all accounts created with his ID. However, this was lifted just two years later. Upon his return in 2018, he immediately set a new record: On Twitch, around 386,000 users were waiting simultaneously for his first stream since the ban. In the meantime, Tyler1 has even appeared as a guest at major LoL events organised by Riot Games.