LoL: LEC Jumping Champion G2 changes again through


Shortly after League of Legends top team G2 won the LEC Spring Split, an unexpected roster move follows. Luka “Perkz” Perković and Rasmus “Caps” Winter will swap positions.
With the latest roster change, Perkz will switch back to the ADC role, while his teammate Caps will find himself in the midlane. So the European LoL- Topteam will play again like last year.

This has now also been confirmed by the team coach, who complains on Twitter about his apparent luxury problems.

Change as a result of minor play errors
Already in the group phase of the Spring Split it became apparent that Perkz feels more comfortable as an AD-Carry than his teammate. Now we want to test how G2 performs with flexible wheels and if they should keep the Spring Split roster.

Back to the tried and tested
With the new line-up the team is playing like in the 2019 season again. There G2 won Spring and Summer Split and the Mid-Season Invitational. Only at the Worlds it was not quite enough for the first place in the final.

So now the whole team can perform on the highest LoL level again. Nevertheless, this does not exclude the possibility of unexpected position changes. Even stronger opponents like FunPlus Phoenix could get caught on the wrong foot.