LoL Patch 11.16: These Jungle Champions are coming back

‎LoL Patch 11.16
‎LoL Patch 11.16

Riot Games changes a total of 15 champions in the new League of Legends patch 11.16. Numerous buffs are designed to improve the champions and bring them back into the game.

On Twitter, Riot developer Jeevun Sidhu gave first glimpses of the LoL patch 11.16 on Monday. In addition to numerous buffs, however, there are also some nerfs to contend with. For example, Fiora, Diana and Lulu will get their asses kicked. Tahm Kench is also expecting further adjustments since the mini-rework in patch 11.14.

The Jungle champions Shaco, Jarvan and Nunu are happy to receive buffs, which should certainly cause minor shifts in the Jungle meta. With Sivir and Jhin, ADCs will also receive improvements to better keep up with their colleagues on the bot lane. Apart from the champions, the item Redemption and the key rune Fleet Footwork are buffed, while the Dark Seal receives a nerf.

Under the “Champion Adjustments” tab, Sona appears, for whom trial changes are already active on the PBE server after numerous feedbacks from the community. In additional tweets, Sidhu points out to the players that they should not underestimate the desired changes and that attempts are being made to meet the requests.