LoL Patch 11.18 Preview: Buff-fest for ADCs, Renekton and Jayce before Nerfs

LoL-Patch 11.18

With LoL Patch 11.18, the first of two Worlds updates is in the starting blocks. The extensive patch takes on a good 33 champions and should turn the professional meta on its head.

Riot Games begins meta preparations for this year’s LoL World Championship with patch 11.18. Lead Gameplay Designer Jeevun “Jag” Sidhu showed off the contents of the planned update in a detailed preview on Twitter. As the first half of the Worlds patches, 11.18 is scheduled for September 9 and brings with it numerous changes to all map positions.

Nerfs on bot and top lane

On the side of the nerfs of the upcoming update, there are numerous champions that have recently been popular picks, especially in Pro-Play. The top lane, for example, should be less dominated by Renekton, Jayce and Camille from next week: Shorter crowd control, reduced duration of passives and increased cooldown are planned for each of the three in the patch.

Following this example, currently sought-after bot lane picks will also be weakened. The focus here is on Aphelios with a lower damage value, Ashe with a higher W-Cooldown and Varus with a weaker passive and less damage. Meta-supporter Thresh is to have his movement speed cut as well as his magic damage.

Forgotten ADCs on the rise
The update’s intended buff list includes a full 18 champions of all roles on the map. On the top lane, Gangplank and Urgot should enjoy buffs, while in the Jungle, Dr. Mundo and Taliyah should benefit.

The most represented role on the buff side, however, is ADC. Here, Draven should get a boost for his Execute effect on Ultimate, while Jinx could enjoy reduced mana costs in the early game. Kai’Sa will probably get a lower E-cooldown, while Kog’Maw, Miss Fortune and Twitch will get more damage.

Besides numerous smaller buffs, four champions fill out the category of general adjustments: Fizz, Qiyana and Talon get changes on the mid-lane, but also Lillia and Rumble will be a topic again in 11.18.