LoL Patch 12.10 Preview – Complete nerf for healing and shields planned


With patch 12.10 a complete turnaround is planned for League of Legends. All champions and quite a few items will be adjusted.

There is already first information about the upcoming patch 12.10 in League of Legends. Riot Games’ designer “Phlox” gave a first insight into the update on Twitter, which is planned for 25 May. In addition to balancing for the champions, shields and healing will also be generated.

The patch 12.10 has a lot in store for League of Legends. According to Phlox, all champions will get a buff in life, armour and magic resistance. Due to this, a nerf for healing and shields is also planned for the champions. This will adjust the resistance. However, according to Phlox, the team is already preparing for micropatches after update 12.10 to further refine the balancing.

However, the healing and shields will not only be adapted specifically to the champions. Riot Games also plans to adjust the two items as a whole. This is to prevent characters from becoming immortal and being able to withstand any damage. Patch 12.10 could completely overturn the meta as a result. After all, the focus with the update is also to be placed on more protracted battles.

With the adjustment, both the champions and quite a few items should receive a nerf with the update. The “Gash” effect will also receive a nerf with patch 12.10 in League of Legends. The reduction of the healing is to be reduced.

Article from 11 May. 2022

While the new patch 12.9 in League of Legends brings the Taliyah and Olaf rework, there is already first information about the upcoming update. According to information from RiotZhanos on Reddit on Tuesday, champion Nami is set to get a visual effects (VFX) upgrade with patch 12.10.

In the League PBE subreddit, RiotZhanos announces the planned changes to Nami’s effects. The abilities are to be adapted to the current League of Legends standard, which should also make the gameplay more visible. Previously, other champions such as Leona, Orianna and Vel`koz had already received such a VFX update.

In addition, RiotZhanos even has a preview of the revisions to Nami’s visual effects up its sleeve. This gives players a first glimpse of the new look of the abilities and basic attacks. The update of Nami’s VFX is currently on the PBE test server.

Some skins from the champion are supposed to get an adjustment with patch 12.10. Especially their older outfits are to be aligned with the newer ones in terms of effects. This means that skins such as Bewitching, Cosmic Destiny and Splendid Staff will not receive an update. On the other hand, a complete overhaul is planned for Koi Nami, which was released with the Champion in 2012.