LoL Patch 12.17 Preview – Various champions will probably be adjusted before the Worlds 2022


The Worlds 2022 are coming up soon in League of Legends 2022 and for this Riot Games seems to make a few changes to the champions

With the upcoming patch 12.17 in League of Legends, Riot Games seems to want to adjust quite a few champions before the Worlds 2022. The update is scheduled for September 8.

On Twitter, LoL lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrsion gave a glimpse of the upcoming patch on Wednesday. It”s mainly to make adjustments to some champions before Worlds 2022, but it seems only relatively small updates are planned as Riot Games doesn”t want to make massive changes before the Worlds.

Patch 12.17 is expected to buff nine champions, including Ezreal. The bot laner will get a lower cooldown on the E skill and Kassasdin will probably also get a lower cooldown and mana cost on the Q skill. On the other hand, nerfs are planned for nine champions. For Ahri there will be a reduction in health, among other things, and the duration of the E-skill will also be reduced.

In addition, Riot Games seems to be planning adjustments for a few items. The ability strength of Seeker”s Armguard is to be increased with patch 12.17 and the cost of Stopwatch is also to increase. The legendary item Zhonya”s Hourglass is expected to have its purchase amount increased, but its ability strength improved. Guardian Angel is also to become more expensive and will receive more attack damage in return.

Article of 30 August 2022

The next update in League of Legends is already around the corner. Patch 12.17 is planned for 8 September and the development team currently seems to be quite satisfied with the game. Therefore, only a few outliers are to be adjusted.

LoL lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrsion gave a first glimpse of the patch 12.17 on Twitter on Monday. With the update, mainly further adjustments for several champions are planned shortly before the Worlds 2022. Maokai and Hecarim will also receive a complete overhaul. The changes to Hecarim are said to be already on the PBE test server.

In addition, buffs are planned for nine other champions. Miss Fortune, Twisted Fate, Kassasdin as well as Ezreal can probably expect an improvement in the Summoner”s Rift with patch 12.17. Rell, Graves, Nocturne and Camille as well as Sett are also set to receive a buff in League of Legends.

On the other hand, nine champions will probably be generated again. In the case of Nami, Electrocute seems to be the focus of the update. She is currently the first choice for all support players who want to support their team with Nami. In addition, Taric, Ahri, Sylas and Wukong will probably also receive a nerf with Patch 12.17. A weakening seems to be planned for the champions Azir, Trundle, Sivir and Renekton as well.