LoL Patch 12.3 – Ahri rework official in Summoner’s Rift


Patch 12.3 has arrived in League of Legends. With it, Riot Games brings the small Ahri rework and numerous adjustments to the game.

The new patch 12.3 in League of Legends went live on Tuesday evening. In addition to several fighter item adjustments, numerous champions were also generated. The patch also reacts to the current meta in the pro scene.

A total of 13 champions were adjusted in the update. These mainly received nerfs. Among them was the recently added Zeri. The movement speed was reduced from 330 to 325. The bonus damage of the charged auto attack is based, among other things, on the maximum life of the opponent. This value has been reduced from 3-20 per cent to 3-15 per cent. In addition, the magic damage of Lightning Crash has been adjusted to 10/15/20, but the chain lightning of the Ultimate can hit critically instead.

In addition to Zeri, the champions Akshan, Brand, Caitlyn, Corki, Amumu, LeBlanc, Nami, Senna, Lillia, Twisted Fate and Quinn have also been reworked. Furthermore, the small Ahri rework has arrived in LoL with patch 12.3. Their base values have all been reduced. Due to the reduction of health and armour, Ahri is more vulnerable. However, the damage of some abilities has been increased and the mana costs have been partially reduced. In certain situations, she can receive additional casts for her Ultimate.

In addition, patch 12.3 brings several revisions for fighter items. The tankiness of almost all items is mainly generated, but the damage is increased to compensate. Death’s Dance received massive changes.

The saved damage of Death’s Dance has been reduced to 30 percent for melee damage and 10 percent for ranged damage. In addition, the item’s healing now scales at 175 percent of bonus attack damage if a champion dies in three seconds after the item’s owner dealt damage to it.

January 25, 2022

A new update is in the works for League of Legends. Riot Games’ designer “Phlox” revealed detailed information about patch 12.3 on Twitter on Wednesday. This will be deployed on the live servers on Wednesday, 2 February as planned. Players can look forward to these changes.

The main focus of the upcoming update will probably be changes to a large number of items. According to Phlox, the items with a bonus for their own attack damage will be particularly affected. In the case of Sterak’s Gage, this value will most likely be removed completely. Instead, the item will get a new passive effect that gives the champion a bonus of 40 percent to its basic attack damage. It is also planned to remove the healing effect of Sterak’s Gage.

Changes are also planned for Death’s Dance. The item’s stored damage is to be reduced, but in return it will be possible to build it up through magical damage. In addition, the healing of the item is expected to be revised. This will probably scale with the bonus attack damage and no longer with the maximum life of the champion. Most of the items on the list will have their attack damage and health adjusted.

In addition to items, some champions are also being reworked, according to the patch preview. Zeri’s Ultimate Lightning Crash is expected to not grant stacks of movement speed through the Runaan’s Hurricane item in the future. Caitlyn’s attack damage growth is expected to be reduced from 3.8 to 3.4. The Q skill’s damage is also expected to be reduced from 60 per cent to 50 per cent.

According to Phlox, mainly light fighters will feel a change from patch 12.3, as they currently behave more like a frontliner and can still eliminate enemies quickly with little risk.

Article from 25. January 2022

Riot Games designer “Phlox” revealed on Monday evening what players can look forward to in the upcoming patch 12.3. It will probably mainly affect some champions with nerfs. The recently released character Zeri will also be among them.

In the update, those responsible want to focus in particular on champions with a fighter/bruiser style. In addition to adjustments to health, a total of nerfs are planned for nine characters. Some of these changes are reportedly being considered primarily because of the pro scene. A majority of the champions, for example Caitlyn, LeBlanc, Twisted Fate and Corki, are currently favoured in competitive competitions and therefore also have quite a high pick ban rate.

The recently added champion Zeri will also receive a nerf in League of Legends with the upcoming patch 12.3. So far, the character has caught the eye with an incredible speed. Nevertheless, it is not yet known whether this aspect will be generated by Riot Games. On the other hand, the two champions Lillia and Quinn can probably look forward to buffs. There will probably also be adjustments to Ahri and Nami.

In addition to buffs and nerfs to some champions, Riot Games is also planning changes to several items. Among the items is Goredrinker. The item already dominated Season 11, as it was almost mandatory to buy it on a Bruiser champion. Furthermore, adjustments to Sterak’s Gage, Turbo Chemtank, Trinity Force and some other items are planned. Patch 12.3 is scheduled to go live in League of Legends on Wednesday 2 February