LoL Patch 12.4 Preview – Zeri to get more nerfs


A new update is coming to League of Legends. The patch 12.4 is supposed to have a lot of changes to champions in tow.

In League of Legends, patch 12.4 is just around the corner. Riot Games’ designer “Phlox” has revealed information on what players:inside should look forward to with the upcoming update. Apparently, some nerfs and buffs for champions are on the way.

This time around, Riot Games seems to be giving a number of champions a buff. In total, eleven heroes could look forward to an upgrade, according to Phlox. Among them are Aatrox, Illaoi, AmuAmu and a few more. In the case of Nami, the nerf is to be scaled back to E. However, not all champions can look forward to a buff. Some will also receive a nerf.

According to Phlox, seven champions will possibly receive a nerf. Besides Mundo, Qiyana, Veigar, Zeri is also among the characters that are to receive an overhaul. The recently added champion was already generated with the 12.3 patch. Her movement speed was mainly reduced in the process. With the upcoming update, Zeri seems to get another overhaul. According to (, the latest champion is still one of the most successful characters in the MOBA with a win rate of 55 percent.

In addition, the support items for Solo Lane also seem to be missing out on some adjustments. Furthermore, in addition to the updates for the champions and items, the new character Renata Glasc will also be released in the game with the upcoming patch. This would then mark the debut of the second champion of League of Legends Season 12.