LoL Patch 12.5 – Master Yi and Seraphine receive several adjustments


The patch 12.5 went live in League of Legends on Tuesday. In addition to Master Yi, the champion Seraphine also receives some changes.

The patch 12.5 in League of Legends has officially arrived. Riot Games has a few nerfs and buffs up their sleeves for some champions. Besides that, Master Yi and Seraphine are getting some adjustments. There are also changes to the Hullbreaker for ranged fighters.

The developers are nerfing some too strong champions with patch 12.5, including Ahri, who has just been reworked. With the champion, the damage was mainly reduced and the mana costs increased. Gwen also had to lose some of her damage with her passive ability, and the bonus range of the E-skill was reduced.

Master Yi in particular has received some changes in patch 12.5. The champion’s Q and E skill damage has been reduced. In addition, the champion also had to take a bit of a hit in the critical bonus damage. However, Master Yi can now activate Wuju Style and Highlander during Alpha Strike.

In contrast, Seraphine receives some adjustments. The champion’s mana cost and cooldown in the later stages of the game from Surround Sound have been reduced. The cooldown on Beat Drop has also been improved. In addition, her healing has been adjusted and allies now receive a shield that is as strong as Seraphine’s.

Meanwhile, the Hullbreaker has been adjusted for the ranged fighters. However, the magic resistance as well as the bonus armour are reduced. For melee fighters, on the other hand, it has remained the same. In addition, the four new bee skins appear in League of Legends. This means that Heimerdinger, Ziggs , Nunu & Willump and Orianna in the Summoner’s Clan can now also fly around in the brown-yellow skins.

February 23, 2022

Game Designer “Phlox” gives players:inside a sneak peek at the upcoming patch in League of Legends on Wednesday. In addition to buffs and nerfs to some champions, Renata is also set to receive a micropatch.

Patch 12.5 apparently has some nerfs in store for Master Yi in particular. According to Phlox, the champion’s damage and critical bonus damage will be reduced. However, there will also be adjustments to the skills, which will allow players to cast more abilities during Alpha Strike. The champions Ahri, Gewn and Xin Zhao will also receive nerfs with the update.

According to Phlox, the champions Samira, Kennen and Serpahine are buffed. For the latter, the mana costs and the cooldown of Surround Sound will be reduced. There is also a nerf to the Ranged Hullbreaker. The item is supposed to be less effective at range with the update in League of Legends as the resistance is reduced.

In addition, the recently added champion Renata is to receive a micropatch. The armour of the character seems to be too high in general, which is why it will probably be reduced. Furthermore, the health when reviving is to be reduced and the cooldown of the W-Skill is to be increased. In addition, Renata’s passive will apparently also be adjusted in the micropatch. The damage is to be reduced. LoL Patch 12.5 is expected to be released on 2 March.