LoL Patch 12.8 is live – Two big champion changes and new skins


In League of Legends, Tuesday’s new update has a big impact on many champions like Ezreal, Bard and Jinx. Receiving a makeover are Kai’Sa and Swain.

The latest update in League of Legends has been online since Tuesday night. Patch 12.8 is decisive for the Mid-Season Invitational 2022 starting in May and therefore important for the professional scene.

A large number of champions are affected by the new update and will be strengthened for the most part. Mordekaiser in particular should benefit thanks to the passive speed boost on the top lane. For the once so popular AD-Carry Ezreal, the past months were also not crowned with much success. Accordingly, Riot Games gives him a little more opportunity for highlight plays, because the cooldown of the ultimate is significantly reduced as the game progresses. A clear buff, then.

(A whopping 19 champions are affected by patch 12.8 in League of Legends. (Image source: Riot Games))
(A whopping 19 champions are affected by patch 12.8 in League of Legends. (Image source: Riot Games))

On the other hand, popular champion Jinx is being generated. The Arcane star has dominated the bot lane for the entire season so far and now has to make do with 50 less base health. This makes her much more vulnerable in teamfights and a target for ganks, especially in the early game.

Players can expect major changes for Swain and Kai’Sa. The former has significantly less mana cost to contend with in patch 12.8 and has a guaranteed hook ability. “Swain can no longer pull enemies that have been immobilised by allies, but his E will now let him pull anyone he holds towards him, making him even more fearsome in bottlenecks and narrow corridors,” Riot Games says.

Kai’Sa is being reinvented with specialisation in Ability Power (AP). Rather than just pushing damage from a distance with her W ability, she will focus more on her passive ability. Her magic damage is increased by 15 percent of the target’s missing life and gets 5 percent more per 100 Ability Power.

There are also eight new skins in the shop. This time, the focus is on Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse. Senna even gets a prestige skin of this variant. All details of the new patch can be found on the (official page) of League of Legends.

report of 20 April 2022

Both recreational players and professionals will be keeping a close eye on patch 12.8. Because on Wednesday, Riot Games designer “Phlox” gave a glimpse of the multitude of champion changes via Twitter.

With patch 12.8, the meta in League of Legends could change significantly. This time, 14 champion buffs and three nerfs are on developer Riot Games’ radar. Further adjustments will be made to Kai’Sa (with Ability Power) and Swain.

Mordekaiser’s increased movement speed, in particular, may help the top lane champion become more common again. Meanwhile, Vladimir receives an Armor buff. On the other hand, Aatrox, Seraphine and Pyke have been dropped from the current patch. However, the latter is said to be affected in a future update.

Furthermore, popular champions like Ezreal will be improved. For him, the cooldown of the Ultimate is reduced. Bard’s passive damage will increase and the healing of the W ability will also be increased. On the other hand, Jinx has to make do with 50 base health less. Game Designer “Tim” already reported on the adaptation of Swain last week. The champion should become more effective on the solo lane and be able to help out as a support. Riot Games wants to make him a strong tank in team fights, especially when using his Ultimate.

This update is especially important for the LoL pros. Because the Mid-Season Invitational, which will be held from 10 to 29 May, takes patch 12.8 into account. The update is scheduled to go online as planned next Wednesday, 27 April.