LoL Patch 13.2 Preview – Finally comes the long-awaited healing nerf


Riot Games has given us a glimpse of the second League of Legends patch of the new year. Among other things, patch 13.2 is supposed to n

Healing will finally be generated

Actually, the Grievous Wound mechanic is in play to counter healing, but after a few nerfs last summer, that no longer seems to be the case. Many pros complain about the state of healing and that nothing can be done about it because the anti-heal items are too weak.

The next patch should finally remedy this, because the partial anti-heal items will get a buff. The healing reduction will be increased from 25% to 40% and thus offers a good counter method for healing, especially in the early game.

In addition to the anti-heal buffs, ADCs will get a small “buff” – but what exactly that will be is not yet clear. In addition, Bruisers, who have been terrorising the Gap since Preseason, are finally getting a little adjustment. Finally, the Chemtech buff and the Soul will be buffeted a bit.