LoL Patch 13.4 – These are the junglers you should play now


Patch 13.4 is shaking up the Jungle. We have summarised which champions promise you a high chance of victory in League of Legends in our Jungle Tier List.

Good news first: The number of good Jungle champions in League of Legends is growing. Not only have top junglers Amumu, Elise, Jarvan, Udyr and Maokai been tackled, bringing other junglers into the spotlight. Demonic Embrace (Dominic Embrace) has also been weakened for the jungle.

This is to remove the requirement to carry Demon Mask on every AP-scaling champion.

All Jungle changes in patch 13.4 at a glance:

  • The Jungle Companions will do less AP damage to monsters from now on. Consequently, AP champions now move more slowly from jungle camp to jungle camp.
  • Players will receive less experience from kills. This puts early game junglers at a disadvantage who rely on early snowballs.
  • Demonic Embrace gets a cap on damage against monsters.
  • The base value for heals from monster kills increases.
  • Gromp’s health has been lowered.
  • The Herald now runs directly back to its original position after its patience has expired. This is to prevent the Herald from being stolen directly by the enemy team.

Despite the direct champion debuffs, Jarvan IV shows himself to be quite unimpressed. Those who fancy bruisers and low-economy junglers can rejoice. Due to the lower experience rewards for kills, champions that are especially strong at the beginning of the game fall behind. Champions like Sejuani and Rammus are therefore on the rise again.

(The current Jungle Meta in the lower divisions. Image source: Tiermaker)
(The current Jungle Meta in the lower divisions. Image source: Tiermaker)

In the lower regions you meet pocket picks that some might wonder about: Malphite or Twitch get their money’s worth here. However, these candidates can only dream of a high victory rate. For occasional players only to be seen in the mid-lane, but in higher regions also in the jungle: Taliyah.

The higher the level, the more skill champs

From Master and above, there are more and more assassins and skill-based champions in the high tiers. From Evelynn, who is also popular with casual players, to Rengar – this one turns the tier list completely upside down for once.

Mordekaiser has to accept defeat in the High Elo. He doesn’t even show his face in the Jungle anymore.

(This is the current Jungle Meta in High Elo. Image source: Tiermaker)
(This is the current Jungle Meta in High Elo. Image source: Tiermaker)