LoL Patch 13.6 Preview – Dragon Taming Made Easy


The preview for the LoL patch 13.6 promises some nerfs for strong champions. Among others, Aurelion Sol and Yuumi will receive nerfs.

The LoL patch 13.6 is expected to hit the live servers on March 22. Despite this, Riot contributor Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison has already given us a glimpse of the upcoming changes.

Yuumi and Aurelion get nerfs after their rework

After Yuumi gained a whole 10% winrate through her rework, the first nerfs for the supporter are coming directly. With nerfs on her Q and her R, Riot wants to try to curb the cat plague on the botlane a little.

In addition, Aurelion Sol receives nerfs for the second patch in a row. His E gets a higher cooldown and his R is generated. Apparently Riot hasn”t really got the hang of reworks yet. The biggest nerfs this patch are two freshly reworked champions

Besides the nerfs of Yuumi and Aurelion, however, there are a few buffs for the upcoming patch. Vayne gets a strong Q buff and might find his way back into the meta after a long time. Ashe, Talon and Galio will also receive light buffs.

Besides the champion changes, there are also a few item and rune changes. Navori Quickblades and Lethal Tempo will be slightly buffed to meet crit ADCs. In addition, the heal build for ADCs with Bloodthirster Rush and Legend: Bloodline will be generated.

Lastly, Nashor”s Tooth gets a small buff, but also becomes more expensive. Since there are actually only two champions who build this item, Azir and Kayle, the changes come as a bit of a surprise.