LoL Patch 13.7 is here! Jungler-Nerfs, Item-Changes and much more


The latest League of Legends patch is here and there are some important changes. Among other things, some popular young players are getting their asses kicked.

Patch 13.7 arrives in League of Legends on 5 April and in preparation for the upcoming Mid-Season Invitational, it is quite extensive. Besides many champion adjustments, pings and surrender votes have also been revised.

Patch 13.7 – Champion Changes


Base Stats: 

  • Base armour increased: 44 -☻ 47
  • Base HP increased: 670 -☻ 685


E (Molten Shield):

  • Cooldown increased: 12/11/10/9/8 -☻ 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds
  • Shield reduced: 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% AP) -☻ 60/95/130/165/200 (+40% AP)


Base Stats

  • Base Armour increased: 19 -☻ 22
  • Attack speed increase per level increased: 5% -☻ 6%

Passive (Shurima’s Legacy)

  • Duration increased: 30 -☻ 45 seconds
  • Range increased: 500 -☻ 700

Q (shifting dune) 

  • Mana cost increased: 65/70/75/80/85 -☻ 70/80/90/100/110
  • Shock range reduced: 370 -☻ 325

W (Rise!) 

  • Mana cost adjusted: 40 -☻ 40/35/30/25/20
  • Damage per rank increased: 50-90 -☻ 50-118
  • Total damage increased: 50-200 -☻ 50-210

Furthermore, the Recommended Skill Order for Azir has changed. The game now suggests maximising W first. 


Passive (Destiny Deluxe) 

  • Critical hit damage increased: 20% -☻ 30%

R (collateral damage)

  • Cooldown reduced: 120/90/60 -☻ 100/80/60 seconds


Base Stats

  • AD increase per level: 3.5 -☻ 3.75

Passive (Oathsworn Alliance) 

  • Duration of ceremony reduced: 12 -☻ 8 seconds
  • NEW: Kalista is forced to channel the “Black Spear” while her Oathsworn is resurrected


Passive (Insatiability) 

  • Magical damage of the Dagger of Unearthly Steel: 68-240 (depending on level) (+60% extra attack damage) (+70/80/90/100% (level 1/6/11/16) Ability Power)

R (Death Lotus)

  • Physical damage per dagger: 16 % (+50 % per 100 % additional attack speed) additional attack damage


Q (Taste of Fear) 

  • Isolation range reduced: 425 -☻ 375

W (Empty Spike) 

  • Slow (developed): 60% -☻ 40 %
  • Slow against isolated targets (developed): 90% -☻ 75%

R (Empty Attack) 

  • Duration of buff increased: 10 -☻ 12 seconds

Lee Sin

Base Stats

  • Base-AD: 68 -☻ 66
  • Base Armour: 36 -☻ 34


Passive (Berserker Rage) 

  • Attack speed: 60 – 100% (depending on level) -☻ 50 – 100% (depending on level)

Q (Suction) 

  • Normal damage: 70/120/170/220/270 (+100% extra attack damage) -☻ 65/115/165/215/265 (+100 % extra attack damage)


W (Rolled-in Defensive Stance) 

  • Additional armour: 35 (+40/55/70/85/100% of total armour) ⇒ 35 (+40/50/60/70/80% of total armour)


Passive (Wrath of the North) 

  • Damage cap against epic monsters: 300 -☻ 250

Q (Arctic Rush) 

  • Cooldown increased: 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 -☻ 19/17.5/16/14.5/13 seconds

R (Ice Prison) 

  • Cooldown increased: 120/100/80 seconds -☻ 130/110/90 seconds


Q (Death Sentence) 

  • Refund Cooldown on Hits: 3 seconds -☻ 2 seconds


Q (Ominous Blow) 

  • AP Scaling adjusted: 60% on all ranks -☻ 45/50/55/60/65 %

W (Dark Matter) 

  • AP Scaling adjusted:  100% on all ranks -☻ 70/80/90/100/110%

E (event horizon)

  • Graphic effects for the E can no longer be hidden from enemies by placing it inside certain walls

R (Big Bang) 

  • AP scaling adjusted: 75% on all ranks -☻ 65/70/75%


Q (Battering ram)

  • Minimum normal damage: 55/80/105/130/155 (+70 % additional attack damage) -☻  45/70/95/120/145 (+80 % additional attack damage)
  • Maximum normal damage: 110/160/210/260/310 (+140 % additional attack damage) -☻ 90/140/190/240/290 (+160 % additional attack damage)

E (Hard-hitting evidence)

  • Normal Damage: 10/30/50/70/90 (+110% Attack Damage) (+90% Ability Power) -☻ 5/20/35/50/65 (+120% Attack Damage) (+100% Ability Power)


Base Stats

  • Attack Damage: 68 -☻ 66

W (Tricky Warrior) 

  • Cooldown increased: 22/19,5/17/14,5/12 seconds -☻ 22/20/18/16/14 seconds

E (Nimbus Strike)

  • Additional attack speed: 40/45/50/55/60% -☻ 35/40/45/50/55%


Passive (Way of the Wayfarer) 

  • Schildbetrag erhöht: 100/105/110/115/120/130/140/150/160/170/180/200/220/250/290/350/410/475 -☻  100/105/110/115/125/135/145/160/175/195/220/250/275/325/375/425/500/575

E (Saudian blade)

  • Damage increase per increase: 25% of base damage of E -☻ 15-25% of total damage of E (scaled linear, level 1-18)
  • Maximum number of increases: 2 -☻ 4


Base Stats

  • Life increase: 115 -☻ 100

Passive (Living Battery)

  • Shield absorption reduced: 60% of damage done -☻ 45% of damage done

R (Lightning Strike) 

  • Magic damage reduced: 175/275/375 (+100% extra attack damage) (+110% ability power) -☻ 175/275/375 (+85 % extra attack damage) (+110 % ability power)

LoL Patch 13.7 – Item Changes

Change to gaping wounds

  • Items that cause gaping wounds are now triggered even if the damage dealt was absorbed by a shield
  • Gaping Wounds are still not triggered on unvulnerable targets or targets that have used Spell Shield 

Death’s Dance 

  • Attack damage: 65 -☻ 55
  • Aptitude Speed: 0 -☻ 15
  • Armor: 50 -☻ 45
  • New item composition: Pickaxe + Chain Vest + Caulfield’s Warhammer + 525 Gold 

Catalyst of Aeons

  • Life: 225 -☻ 300
  • Combination cost: 350 gold -☻ 550 gold
  • Total cost: 1100 gold -☻ 1300 gold

LoL Patch 13.7 – ARAM Changes


  • Karthus – Duration of passives: 7 seconds -☻ 5 seconds
  • Sion – Passive Form – Life Steal: 100% -☻ 50%
  • Veigar – Cooldown of E: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds -☻ 23/21.5/20/18.5/17 seconds

    Changes in pings/signals

    In order to keep a better eye on the pings of your fellow players, pings will be displayed more clearly in the future. They will not only appear on the minimap, but also on the edge of the screen.

    Global (regardless of location) 

    • Enemy missing

    In the near vicinity (when used within 3000 units of your champion – this is approximately the range of a Caitlyn Ult)

    • Need help
    • Caution
    • On the road
    • Retreat
    • Hold

    Changes in Ranked

    • Surrender Votes 
      • Ca. as of 7 April you only need 4 out of 5 votes (unanimity for early surrender has been abolished)

      for an early surrender (after 15 minutes).

    • Auto-fill was abolished 
    • All players in a group must select unique roles

      Furthermore, patch 13.7 only contains many bug fixes and a few other changes to the client. You can read about this in detail on the (official patch-notes) page.