LoL Patch Notes 13.17 – All buffs, nerfs and item changes at a glance


Patch 13.17 in League of Legends is live and brings us again many buffs, nerfs and item adjustments.

The League of Legends patch 13.17 holds a variety of buffs, nerfs, champion and item changes.

In total, 21 League of Legends champions will be adjusted. In addition, eight items are on the list as well as a rune that will receive some fine-tuning from Riot.

Focus on Champions

Riot puts the focus on champions that have strong kill potential in this patch. The head of the LoL balance team thus wants to give these champions more stamina and soften their damage a bit

Champions like Aatrox, Xin Zhao, Vi, and Hecarim are at the top of the list here. In addition, champions who have struggled a bit in the meta due to Immortal Shieldbow changes in previous patches, will receive a buff.

Riot had originally planned to buff weaker junglers, but now plans have changed according to Leung-Harrison and many top tier junglers are being generated. This should bring many champions back into the meta.

League Patch 13.17 All info at a glance



    • Passive and W now deal magic damage.


    • Life per level increased from 104 to 107.
    • Armor per level increased from 4.2 to 4.7.
    • Attack damage per level decreased from 3.5 to 3.


    • Life per level increased from 633 to 650.
    • Magic resistance increased from 28 to 32.
    • Base attack speed decreased from 0.65 to 0.625.
    • Attack Speed per Level decreased from 0.7 to 0.625.
    • Passive shield changed from 15-45 to 30 percent.
    • W Mana cost reduced from 85 to 75, attack speed reduced from 30-82 to 30-70 and does not grant additional magic damage on Auto Attacks.
    • E Mana cost reduced from 40 to 25, attack damage rate increased from 75 to 100 percent, no longer grants bonus damage to Minions and Monsters.
    • R Passive deals an additional two percent damage to hand from maximum mana.


    • Auto Attack

       Damage increased from 10-40 (plus 20 percent ability power) to 12-42 (plus 20 percent ability power).

    • Auto Attack healing increased from 4-10 (plus eight percent ability power) to 6-12 (plus eight percent ability power).
    • E Stun duration increased from 1.6-2 to 1.6-2.4 seconds.


    • Mega Gnar Q base damage increased from 25-205 to 45-225.
    • Mega Gnar W base damage increased from 25-145 to 45-165.


    • Basismana changed from 277 plus 60 per level to 280 plus 40 per level.
    • Mana regeneration increased from 6.5 plus 0.6 per level to 7 plus 0.8 per level.
    • Q Mana cost changed from 30 to 28-20.
    • W Mana cost reduced from 50-90 to 50-70, Omnivampire changed from 25 (plus two percent per 100 bonus attack damage) to 20 percent without scaling.


    • W Attack damage rate reudded from 1.3 to 1.1.


    • Q Attack damage rate reduced from 1.15 to 1.1.


    • E Slowdown reduced from 50 to 30 percent.
    • E missing life damage reduced from eight percent plus 0.5 percent per mark to five percent plus 0.5 percent per mark.


    • Mana regeneration reduced from 8 to 7.
    • Passive damage increased from 20-190 (plus 20 percent ability power) to 30-200 (plus 25 percent ability power).
    • Q Cooldown changed from 11 seconds on all ranks to 11-9 seconds (ranks 1-5).
    • E Damage reduced from 70-270 (plus 80 percent ability power) to 65-265 (plus 80 percent ability power).


    • base life reduced from 650 to 635.
    • Passive Cooldown increased from 25-10 to 30-15 based on level.
    • New: Packmates get 100 percent bonus damage from Champion Melee Auto Attacks.
    • Q2 Healing reduced from 45-125 (plus 40 percent base attack damage) to 45-105 (plus 40 percent base attack damage), minimum damage reduced from 35-95 (plus 70 percent bonus attack damage) to 30-90 (plus 40 percent bonus attack damage), maximum damage reduced from 70-190 (plus 140 percent base attack damage) to 60-180 (plus 140 percent base attack damage).
    • E first hit rate reduced from 60 to 50 percent base attack damage, second hit rate reduced from 90 to 80 percent base attack damage.


    • Life per level increased from 105 to 110.
    • W Damage increased from 60-240 (plus 70 percent ability strength) to 70-270.


    • Life per level increased from 99 to 107.
    • Q Damage reduced from 20-120 to 20-100.
    • E Damage reduced from 40-160 to 40-140.


    • Base life increased from 600 to 630.

Twisted Fate

    • Q Ability strength rate increased from 80 to 90 percent.


    • attack range increased from 125 to 175.
    • attack damage reduced from 72 to 68.


    • Q Damage increased from 60-240 (plus 70 percent ability strength) to 70-250 (plus 70 percent ability strength).
    • W Cooldown reduced from 20-12 to 16-12.
    • R ping now shows all champions in range.


    • Passive Shield increased from 10 to 12 percent maximum life, Cooldown Refund increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
    • E Cooldown reduced from 14-8 to 12-8.
    • R Damage reduced from 150-500 (plus 1.1 bonus attack damage) to 150-400 (plus 0.9 bonus attack damage).


    • Base mana regeneration reduced from eight to 6.85.
    • Passive unit kill cooldown mana recovery increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
    • W Mana cost increased from 70-110 to 80-120.

Xin Zhao

    • Passive healing changed from 6-74 (plus 10 percent total attack damage) to 3-4 percent max life (levels 1-11).


    • Life regeneration increased from 6.5 to 7.5.
    • E Magic resistance reduction increased from 20-30 to 30 percent fixed.