LoL Patch Notes 13.8 – Aurelion Sol is finally generated!


The new LoL patch is here and brings as always new wind in the gap. Besides an Aurelion nerf, 13.8 also offers other changes and new skins.

It’s Wednesday and for League of Legends players that means: Patch-Day! 13.8 brings the long-awaited Aurelion nerf, a few buffs for junglers, and a load of new skins.

LoL Patch 13.8 – Champion Changes

Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol scalte especially in the amateur field felt to infinity. From Riot, he therefore gets a nerf that makes him a little less tanky.

Base Stats:

  • Life increase: 95 -☻ 90 
  • Armor increase: 4.3 -☻ 


To give Ezreal some love in between all the hyper carries, his base attack damage is increased a bit in 13.8.

Base Stats:

  • Base Attack Damage: 60 -☻ 62


Garen also gets a little buff from Riot to make his early game in particular more enjoyable.

Base Stats: 

  • Base Attack Damage: 66 -☻ 69 
  • Base Armor: 36 -☻ 38 


Janna gets to enjoy an improvement in her skills, allowing her to be a little more aggressive in the Lane.

W – Zephyr: 

  • Magic Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 (+50% AP) -☻ 80/110/140/170/200 (+60% AP) 

E – Eye of the Storm: 

  • Time for decay of the shield: 1.25 seconds -☻ 2.5 seconds 

Jarvan IV

Jarvan has been dominating SoloQ lately. Because of this, Riot is taking some of the wind out of his sails with a few small adjustments, especially in the early game.

Base Stats: 

  • Increase in attack damage: 3.4 -☻ 3

Q – Dragon Strike:

  • Normal damage: 90/130/170/210/250 (+140% additional attack damage) -☻ 80/120/160/200/240 (+140 % additional attack damage)


Kayn is currently a pretty strong pick

as well.


 for the Jungle. He also gets a bit of a damper.

E – Shadow Step:


  • Shadow Assassin: Additional walking speed: 80% -☻ 70% 
  • Shadow Assassin: Cooldown: 8 seconds -☻ 10 seconds

Kha’Zix was generated a bit in the last patch and can now enjoy a small buff to his Q again.

Q – Taste of Fear:

  • Normal damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+115% additional attack damage) -☻ 70/95/120/145/170 (+115 % additional attack damage)


Kog’Maw is currently not having an easy time on the botlane and is accordingly buffed somewhat with focus on his abilities.

Passive – Icathian Surprise:

  • NEW: Kog’Maw now receives “Ghost” when in its passive form.
  • Absolute damage: 125-550 (depending on level) -☻ 140-650 (depending on level)

Q – Corrosive saliva:

  • Decay time: 8 seconds -☻ 7 seconds 

E – Empty silt:

  • Manakosten:  60/70/80/90/100 -☻ 40/55/70/85/100
  • Slow: 20/28/36/44/52 % -☻ 30/35/40/45/50 %


Leona is also not seen in the gear quite as much at the moment. A buff should bring her back into the race and provide more variety on the botlane.

W – Eclipse:

  • Additional armor: 15/20/25/30/35 (+20% additional armor) -☻ 20/25/30/35/40 (+20 % additional armor)
  • Additional magic resistance: 15/20/25/30/35 (+20% additional magic resistance) -☻ 20/25/30/35/40 (+20 % additional magic resistance)
  • Magic damage: 45/80/115/150/185 (+40 % AP) -☻ 55/90/125/160/195 (+40 % AP)


Lilia is also benefiting from patch 13.8 and is getting more focus as an AP jungler from Riot Games again.

Passive – Dream Staff:

  • Damage cap against monsters: 50-150 (depending on level) -☻ 70-150 (depending on level)
  • Healing against monsters: 24-75 (depending on level) (+5.4% AP) -☻ 39-54 (depending on level) (+15% AP)
  • Healing against champions: 6-120 (depending on level) (+18 % AP) -☻ 6-90 (depending on level) (+30 % AP)


Malphite is currently doing well on the toplane. For a tank


 however, he does quite a bit of damage thanks to his W. Riot now wants to put a stop to that.

W – Thunderclap:

  • Enhanced attack damage: 30/45/60/75/90 (+20% AP) (+15% armor) -☻ 30/40/50/60/70 (+20% AP) (+15% armor)
  • Normal damage from “Pierce”: 15/25/35/45/55 (+30 % AP) (+20 % armor) -☻ 15/25/35/45/55 (+30 % AP) (+15 % armor)


Nidalee continues to show herself to be effective in pro-play, but is rather less successful in amateur play. She is given a buff that should make her useful again in the hands of less experienced players.

Base Stats:

  • Base Armor: 28 -☻ 32 
  • Armor increase: 4.7 -☻ 5


Poppy is flying a bit under the radar at the moment. With a buff, Riot Games is looking to bring the Yordle back into the fold more.

Q – Hammer Shock:

  • Damage depending on target’s life: 8% -☻ 9%

W – Unshakable Presence:

  • Additional resistances: 10% -☻ 12% (doubled if Poppy has less than 40% of her max life.)


Rakan is quite popular especially in the higher leagues and convinces with high winrates. The nerf makes him a bit more vulnerable.

Base Stats: 

  • Base Armor: 32 -☻ 30 
  • Armor increase: 5.1 -☻ 4.9

LoL patch 13.8 – item changes

Cosmic Drive

  • Capability: 90 -☻ 100
  • NEW: Unique, Passive – Spell Dance: Damage against a champion (excluding damage over time) grants a running speed increase of 2.5% every 1.5 seconds for the next 5 seconds, up to a maximum of 4 increases (10% running speed). At 4 increases, you gain an additional 10% run speed (20% run speed total). Causing damage renews the effect.

    LoL Patch 13.8 – New Skins

    Four new skins make their way into the Summoner’s Rift as part of the new patch

    All four skins also have 8 different chromas that you can unlock.

    In addition to the champion and item changes, some bugs have been fixed and a few small adjustments have been made. These can be read in detail in the patch notes on the (official League of Legends) page.