LoL Patch Preview 12.15 – Master Yi may be in for some nerfs


The next update in League of Legends is coming. The patch 12.15 seems to have some minor adjustments as well as nerfs for Master Yi.

The next update for League of Legends is already on the doorstep. Patch 12.15 will probably already include some minor adjustments for the Worlds. In one week, the update should go live in the Summoner’s Rift.

Riot Games’ lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison is already giving a sneak peek at the upcoming patch 12.15.Master Yi seems to be too strong by and large. Therefore, the champion will probably receive a nerf with the update. Likewise, Taliyah, Qiyana, Sivir and Gwen as well as Kalista can apparently also expect a nerf with Patch 12.15.

On the other hand, Lillia is supposed to get a buff in the Jungle by giving the champion a higher monster damage. Patch 12.15 seems to have planned a buff for several champions in League of Legends. A total of ten characters are expected to be buffed. Besides Lillia, Singed, Leona, Rammus and Lee Sin, among others, will probably also be adjusted.

Also, the rune First Strike is to receive a nerf. After patch 12.15, it will probably only cause nine percent True Damage and not ten percent as before. A reduction is also planned for the mystical item Divine Sunderer. On the other hand, the Mercurial Scimitar and Silvermere Dawn can expect a buff with the upcoming update.