LoL Patch Preview 12.16 – Plenty of Buffs for ADCs and Top Laner


In LoL Patch 12.16, ADCs Caitlyn and Kai’Sa get a buff and there’s a shift on the top laner.

The new LoL patch 12.16, which is expected to be released in a week, already includes some changes regarding Worlds 2022, including a whole three ADCs to receive a buff.

Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, the lead designer at Riot Games, has published more details and numbers about the updates on Twitter shortly after the first news about the upcoming patch. So ADCs and top laners in particular will benefit.

So Caitlyn, for example, not only gets a small increase in passive damage – her Ultimate also does up to 25 percent bonus damage, which scales with her crit chance. And Kai’Sa will also do more passive damage in future, while the AP scaling of her Q ability and her Ultimate has been increased. Tristana, meanwhile, enjoys more attack speed with the activation of her Q.

Top lane buffs promise meta shifts

On the top lane, players:inside might encounter more champions Irelia, Malphite and Jayce starting August 24. Irelia will receive greater resistances to AD and AP damage, Malphite’s Passive and W ability will experience a reduced cooldown and Jayce will receive a buff more damage on his Q and Ultimate to the increased base armour.

In addition to these changes, the newly revamped Udyr is also coming to the servers. Meanwhile, Zeri receives the 13th change package since her release. Starting next week, she will do less AP damage with her W and less AD damage with her Q.

Original post from August 16:

Lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison gives a first look at the upcoming patch notes in LoL. The update is expected to adjust several champions – among others, there will be buffs for Caitlyn, Tristana and Jayce. A total of eight champions in League of Legends can look forward to an improvement.

In contrast, four champions seem to be getting a nerf with patch 12.16. According to Phroxzon, Zeri is once again in for an adjustment. Since her release, the bot laner has already been generated and reworked countless times. In addition, Yuumi, Draven and Poppy Mains also have to prepare for a nerf of their favourite champion.

Diana, on the other hand, is supposed to get a nerf for tank item builds with the update, but a buff for AP builds. And the mythic item Evenshroud (Evening Veil) is also expected to receive an adjustment in the upcoming League of Legends patch.