On Twitter we were given a glimpse of the next patch 13.2 in League of Legends. ADCs will receive a very strong buff, while healing and bruisers will be heavily generated
The lead designer of the balance team for League of Legends “Phroxzon” is known for sharing content of the next patch on Twitter ahead of time. We show you what change is coming to us in patch 13.2 on January 25.
Update 18.01.2023 ADCs finally get some love again After the ADC role hasn”t received any major changes for a while now, they finally got a buff. But they desperately needed this one, because among the top 5 champions on the ADC position, there is only one actual ADC. (As of 18/01/2023) ADCs are not only all directly boosted by a mana adjustment, but also by item buffs. Blade of Infinity now activates its passive after 40% crit and no longer after 60% as before.
This means that on many champions you can now build Blade of Infinity as a second item again. In addition, various other ADC items have been adjusted. You can find a complete list of the patch (here).
In addition to the anti-heal buffs, there are also very large healing nerfs. Almost every ☺a class=”wpg-linkify” style=”box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; max-width: 100%; border-top: 10; ☺p class=”glossary-title mt-5 text-xl md:text-3xl md: break-normal break-all”☻Bruiser
☺/div☻ ☺/div☻ ☺div data-glossary-close class=”absolute top-0 right-0 mt-5 mr-5 cursor-pointer”☻&10;
De☺strong☻r ☺/strong☻Bruiser, also called Warrior, is a player role in League of Legends. It can be described as a type of off-tank. Like the tank, the bruiser can take a good beating, but also dish it out just as well.
☺/div☻ ☺/div☻&10; ☺/article☻” data-glossary-link=””☻Bruiser item with life steal loses a considerable amount of healing. This finally puts a stop to the Bruiser dominance that has spread through the game.
Healing is finally generated
Actually, the Grievous Wound mechanic is in play to counter healing, but after a few nerfs last summer, that no longer seems to be the case. Many pros complain about the state of healing and that nothing can be done about it because the anti-heal items are too weak.
The next patch should finally remedy the situation, because the sub-items for anti-heal items will receive a buff. From 25% to 40% the healing reduction will be raised and thus offers a good counter method for healing, especially in the early game.
Yday was tough for everyone; the community, the team. On SRT, our commitment to improving the game hasn”t changed & we”ll continue addressing player concerns in as timely a manner as possible
Striking balance of “sharing early” but “not over-promising” is tough, but gonna try
– Matt Leung-Harrison (@RiotPhroxzon) January 11, 2023
In addition to the anti-heal buffs, ADCs will get a small “buff” – but what exactly that will be is not yet clear. In addition, Bruisers, who have been terrorising the Gap since Preseason, are finally getting a little adjustment. Lastly, the Chemtech buff and the Soul will be buffeted a bit.