LoL Preseason 2023 – New Jungle companions and the return of Chemtech Drake.


Riot Games gives a glimpse into the League of Legends Preseason 2023. There are many changes planned along with new mechanics.

With Worlds in full swing, Riot Games gave a preview of Preseason 2023 on Monday. The development team has a few changes planned for League of Legends in the process. In addition to the return of the Chemtech Dragon, there are to be unique companions for junglers.

For the Jungle, Riot Games seems to have a lot planned. There will probably be three different companions for the players:in this position. First, it is necessary to buy an egg from the in-game merchant. By eliminating monsters, the companion then receives a “treat”, which is needed for further development. Following this, the three different companions each give a unique buff to the jungler:

  • Noxian Ember Cat – Grants slowdown and additional damage.
  • Ixtali Ixamander – Grants a shield that slows and grants toughness when destroyed
  • Ionian Cloudjumper – Grants extra running speed

x(Each Jungle companion can evolve to a higher level. (Source: Riot Games))
x(Each Jungle companion can evolve to a higher level. (Source: Riot Games))

In addition, newcomers should soon be able to find their way around the Jungle more quickly. For each champion, there will probably be a recommended path in the Jungle, which will be suggested to the players. The leashing range will also be revised in League of Legends. There will possibly be visual indicators that show how far monsters can be lured away from their camps.

Also planned is a return of the Chemtech Dragon. The Drake was only removed from the game at the beginning of 2021. The powerful NPC is to appear in the coming preseason with a completely new buff. Likewise, there will probably be quite a few new items and improved communication tools that make it possible to send certain signals to the team.

LoL-Preseason 2023 – All about new items and revised ping system

Riot Games is planning some innovations for League of Legends for the Preseason 2023. In addition to new items, the ping system will probably be revised.

Players:inside can already take a first look at League of Legends Preseason 2023. Riot Games announced a myriad of new features for the MOBA in a (blog entry) on Monday, including a revamped ping system.

In League of Legends there is already a rather simplified communication tool, which will be expanded in the upcoming season. So far, only the four pings “Retreat”, “On the way”, “Help me” and “Opponent missing” are available in the game, which are expected to be expanded with “Advance”, “All or nothing”, “Halt” and “Decoy”. A new signal wheel is also planned, which can be used to display “Clear view”, “Opponent has view” or “Need view”.

The signals are also to be displayed on the edge of the screen and no longer only on the mini-map. This would enable the players to immediately determine the direction of the signal. In addition, Riot Games seems to want to implement target tuning in League of Legends. This will make it possible to vote on certain objectives such as an NPC boss and whether to tackle it afterwards.

With the upcoming Preseason 2023, Riot Games also seems to have planned new items and a revamp of existing items. The three new mystic items “Icathian Endurance”, “Radiant Virtue” and “Goliath”s Rise” are expected to be added. In addition, an adjustment of nine other items is planned, which means that “Sunfire Agath” and “Turbo Chemtank” will probably no longer be mystic items.

Also planned is the return of Chemtech Drake, which was only removed from League of Legends in early 2021. But Riot Games also seems to have something up its sleeve for the Jungle. The Jungler is to be supported with a companion and made more friendly for newcomers.