LoL sees only stars – Aurelion Sol remake brings chaos to the gulf


The remake of the great space dragon is finally here! Unfortunately, not everything went according to plan – Aurelion Sol is completely buggy after the update.

After a few delays due to the cyber attack on Riot Games, patch 13.3 was finally released on 9 February. With the update came the long-awaited rework of Aurelion Sol.

The rework was supposed to make the large, divine space dragon more playable, but unfortunately this project didn’t quite go according to plan. The update brought two game-breaking bugs in ASol’s abilities. One of them makes the champion – at least from a game mechanics point of view – truly an invincible god.

Aurelion Sol causes infinite damage

Aurelion Sol’s E – “Singularity” – actually causes a DoT effect on enemies within the radius of the ability. The bug that makes ASol “discreetly” OP ignores the radius of the ability and makes his opponents get damage until they are dead.

The well-known bug hunter Vandiril shows in a youtube video how the bug wipes out champions several times in a match:

Aurelion Sols W will be deactivated

The second bug is a little less beneficial to ASol, to say the least, as it causes the champion’s W to be completely disabled for the rest of the game – even when ASol dies.

Vandiril found this bug shortly after the rework went live.

The bug happens when ASols W is cast but is aborted because the target is invalid – for example, if it is outside the map.

Labels missing

This bug is less serious because it does not affect the gameplay, but it is still annoying. Since the rework, Aurelion Sol’s abilities are missing their labels in the champion’s abilities page. This is not a problem if you read the descriptions in the (Patch Notes) for example, but still something that Riot might want to keep in mind for the next rework.

Hopefully it won’t be long before Riot fixes the bugs and you can try out the new Aurelion Sol without bugs.