LoL slaughters the cash cow – Prestige Skins soon to be free?

League of Legends Prestige Skins

Prestige Skins are the most exclusive content in League of Legends. To get them you not only have to play a lot, but also spend real money. That is about to change.

In addition to blue essences, Riot Points and Gemstones, there is another currency in League of Legends that you can use to expand your skin collection: Prestige Points. You can use them to get the coveted Prestige Skins. But so far you can only get Prestige if you are willing to leave Riot some money. But the gamers who want to save money could soon be happy.

A broken promise

Since November last year, Riot has been talking about revising the systems for rare and exclusive content in 2021, which also includes Prestige points. But by March it’s already clear the original timetable can’t be met. Riot gave players hope that they could expect the changes by the end of the year, but in their latest statement on the subject, there is no longer any doubt. The big-name changes are not expected until 2022.

But the wait also has its good sides, your Prestige Points collected so far can now even be redeemed until the end of 2021. In addition, there are more champions who will be equipped with prestige skins. And don’t worry if you have missed an event and the corresponding prestige skin. In the spirit of Christmas, all Prestige Skins from 2020 and 2021 will be available for purchase in the Prestige Shop in December. So if you don’t know what to do with your points yet, just wait and enjoy the full selection.

Other exclusive

Exactly how Riot plans to revamp the system is still unknown. However, little by little there is more and more information on what we can look forward to. The “mystical content overhaul” is primarily intended to modernise the outdated gem and hextech skins and convert the gems into a new rare currency.

Players should even be able to unlock prestige skins thanks to the new system. Riot certainly won’t make it easy for them, but even people who don’t want to spend money should be able to enjoy the rare skins this way.