LoL: The Champions Roadmap for 2023


Riot Games has given the first glimpses of the Champions Roadmap for 2023. The League of Legends developers have new champions in store as well as changes.

The LoL preseason has kicked off, providing new content for the gaming community after the Worlds. Traditionally, the preseason doesn’t give too much insight into Riot’s upcoming plans, but the developers are speaking out in a YouTube video and announcing the first updates themselves.

In addition to revisions, there are also two completely new champions waiting in the wings. Ahri and Aurelion Sol will be significantly changed in the coming year.

An ASU has been announced for Ahri. The abbreviation means “Art and Sustainability Update” and is aimed at the appearance. Completely new textures are planned for the abilities and the champion model itself.

The situation is different for Aurelion Sol. Here the focus is on the CGU, the “Comprehensive Gameplay Update”. The reworking of his abilities will be interesting for the entire game with him, because since his release in Season 6, the Star Smith had never really found his place in the LoL meta. Lead gameplay perdoucer Ryan Mireles even talks about “redesigning ASol’s gameplay from the ground up. “

in said video.

And the publisher is also keeping a bigger secret about the new champions. Here, only the descriptions have already been mentioned. “Ixtal Enchanter” and “Darkin Assassin” are coming. The names mentioned, however, only describe the origin and class of the champions; Riot is keeping further information to itself. For the upcoming 13th season, the Ahri update will be released first anyway and the new champions will be released later in the year.