MAD Lions’ LoL pro Elyoya on the LEC – “The LPL is the right way to play the game”


After the regular season, we spoke to MAD Lions’ Elyoya about the upcoming playoffs, style of play and team performances.

During the regular season, MAD Lions started strong and then battled their way to second place in the LEC with a few ups and downs. As a result, the team is currently 12-6. LoL pro Javier “Elyoya” Prades Batalla explains to us in an interview how the lapses came about and what is to come next.

“So we find problems in other game styles “

MAD Lions started the split with an impressive performance. One of the reasons for this was the new team member Nisqy, who kept dominating on the mid-lane. But after a few games even a losestreak followed. However, since they still made it to second place, Elyoya is quite relaxed about it, but is also aware of the problems so far.

“During the winstreak we had a really good look at the meta. […] Right now I think we’re struggling a bit more with the meta, we’re also having more identity issues in terms of what kind of team we want to be. […] We know we can play one style, but we’re trying to try more and that’s a bit difficult for us. So we find problems in other styles of play,” said the jungler.

But new styles of play will be needed in the playoffs if the team wants to qualify for Worlds.

“I think the LPL is the right way to play the game. “

Currently, however, MAD Lions is known to be very close to the style of play of the LPL, which is the Chinese league. Indeed, Elyoya and his team see them as something of a role model.

“I think the LPL is the right way to play the game. […] There is always a way to do something on the map, and that’s how I see the game. The same way the LPL sees the game. I would say that’s the good way to play the game, and that’s how we try to do it with MAD Lions, so not giving them a chance to breathe and trying to make as many plays as possible,” Elyoya explains.

As a result, MAD Lions are trying to improve in a number of areas, as it is not just the new styles of play that are troubling the team.

“I would say we have to work on pretty much everything at the moment. We are really lacking those basic things […]. I can’t even imagine what we are really good at right now or that we would even be perfect at something. There is room for improvement everywhere,” Elyoya criticises, but can’t help laughing at the same time.

“Winning the LEC would be the first step. “

Until the playoffs start, the team still has time to work on their skills. They should make the most of it, as Elyoya has set their sights high: “Winning the LEC would be the first step […] and in terms of the Worlds, making it out of the group stage. That’s the minimum. If I don’t make it out of the group stage, I would be very sad about my performance.”

But the Worlds this year even has a special meaning for him, “It’s really important for me because last year we went to the Worlds with really strong voices in our team. We had Hummanoid and Carrzy, who are both very experienced and good players.”

So Elyoya has a lot more responsibility within the team this split and wants to show he can do it without those strong players. “So it would mean that I’m able to create Worlds and be one of the best,” the LoL pro said.

But before heading to Worlds, the MAD Lions first have to prove themselves in the playoffs. Their first game will take place on 26 August against Rogue. Only then will it become clear whether the training has been worthwhile.