More than just tanks – dominate the preseason in LoL with these champions


Season 13 in League of Legends is about to start, but LoL players can currently test out the innovations in the Preseason. We have the strongest picks for you.

While the new season offers many new items, especially for tanks and bruisers, the current Ranked meta is by no means only something for lovers of particularly robust champions. However, they are still a danger, so you definitely need to have enough damage in your team to finish them off.

Top lane: split pushers flourish

While tanks and bruisers like to join the fray in teamfights, our top lane recommendation prefers to stay on the side lane for the most part. Look for one-on-one and try to put pressure on the opponent by destroying towers.

Fiora is particularly strong again this preseason and has the advantage that she can deal well with most tanks. Because the Ravenous Hydra is still a very strong item that gives her a lot of damage, survivability and push power, Fiora is currently one of the strongest top laners. The Spear of Shojin, which has been back in the game since this preseason, is also perfect for the duelist.

If the splitpush style doesn’t appeal to you, you can alternatively go the tank route on the top lane and play, for example, the currently very strong Dr. Mundo despite his recent nerfs.

Jungle: Rammus hard to stop despite nerf

Defensive junglers like Rammus and Zac have been very strong since the Jungle adjustments in patch 12.23. The armoured armadillo in particular benefits from the fact that its high resistance values are now also counted in the Jungle pets’ damage to Jungle monsters.

While Rammus has also taken a mid-patch nerf, the core strengths of the tank jungler remain: He can gank very easily and effectively, is extremely strong against teams based on physical damage, and since patch 12.23 can also clear the Jungle quite quickly.

If you prefer to go on the offensive as a jungler, Kindred is recommended. Lamb and Wolf convince with good scaling and high damage per second, which in turn is helpful against tanks.

Mid-Lane: Kassadin as a safe choice

As usual, the selection of good champions in the middle of the map is almost enormous, but one pick is currently particularly strong again due to its outstanding scaling: You can’t go far wrong with Kassadin in the preseason.

In patch 12.23, Riot has given the Void Champion a better shield base value and simplified his E ability, so that Kassadin has it a little easier in the lane. This helps him with his biggest weakness. If you keep up until the late-game, there’s usually no stopping you.

If you want early action and AD damage instead, Akshan is the mid laner for you. With him you can dominate the lane.

Bot Lane: Kai’Sa offers the most options

In the bot lane, Kai’Sa is quite strong in patch 12.23. About a third of her damage is magic, making it harder for opponents to equip defensively against her. In addition, good Kai’Sa players have many opportunities in the late-game to play the fights cleverly and to use the ultimate sensibly. Their damage is quite impressive.

For a more aggressive lane, you can fall back on Tristana instead. The bandle shooter wants to create danger early on and can still provide enough damage later on. A good duo are also still Lucian and Nami.

Support: Heimerdinger causes a stir

At least since the 2022 Worlds, Heimerdinger has been on the radar as a support champion. In the current preseason, the Yordle scientist shines with his high damage output and the E skill, which can decide entire team fights when well placed and combined with the Ultimate.

Those who prefer to play classic supporters can, for example, stand by their bot laner with Janna or stand in front of it with Maokai and look for engagement opportunities.