New LoL Champion Briar – All Info on the Bloodthirsty Monster


Riot Games introduces the newest champion Briar, a young girl with a great lust for murder and bloodlust.

The 165th playable champion in League of Legends has been announced by Riot Games. Now more information has been released about Briar’s abilities, appearance and history.

In an official trailer, the brutal and bloodthirsty side of the new character can be seen. We summarise for you who Briar is and what she can do.

Who or what is Briar?

Briar is the result of blood magic. She was created in Noxus by the Black Rose group to serve as a living weapon. In the process, she became a perfect killing machine through her lust for murder when intoxicated.

Too dangerous, even for her creators, who had to realise that with Briar they had created a bloodthirsty and uncontrollable monster that brought them more difficulties than advantages.

So Briar failed in her first two missions because she had taken out too many others besides the targets.

It was only after Briar was imprisoned that she gained control of her own consciousness through specially crafted restraints held together with a hematite stone.

While stuck in the Noxian prison, she realised that she now had sovereignty over herself and her identity.

This led to her prison break, as Briar no longer wanted to be a mindless killing machine. Instead, she now seeks her own way.

What can Briar do?

Briar is a melee fighter who deals physical damage and is probably most commonly played in the jungle in the Summoner’s Rift.

Her abilities reflect her conflict of murderous rage and self-control. So it can happen that even the player loses control of the champion once.

  • Passive – Blood Red Curse
    Briar’s attacks distribute a bleed that can be increased. Additionally, she receives healing depending on her life. Briar has no base life regeneration and her abilities cost life to perform.
  • Q – Head Over Heels
    Briar leaps to a target, stunning them momentarily, dealing normal damage and reducing their armour.
  • W – Bloodlust/Heatlust
    Briar jumps to a target location and briefly moves automatically towards the nearest enemy (prioritises champions). When doing so, she goes into a blood frenzy that gives her attack and run speed. Her attacks cause normal damage around the target. When reactivated, the next attack is boosted.
  • E – Bloodthirsty Scream
    Charge Start: Briar ends the bloodlust and gathers energy, gaining damage reduction and restoring life. Release: Briar unleashes a scream that deals damage based on charge duration and slows for a short time. When fully charged, the shout knocks enemies back, dealing additional damage and stunning them if they crash into terrain.
  • R – Certain Death
    Briar kicks a Hematite and jumps to the first champion hit. This one is marked as prey. Upon landing, she deals high normal damage as area damage and nearby enemies flee. She then goes into an enhanced bloodlust and pursues her prey until it dies. During the duration of the ability, she gains armour, magic resistance and additional running speed.

The new character Briar is expected to be released with update 13.18 in September