New LoL Champion: Empress Bel’Veth


Once again, Riot reaches into their in-house champion box and conjures up a new female champion from the world of the void with Void Empress Bel’Veth.

Riot Games last visited the Void in 2018, when a champion of this region was released with AD Carry Kai’Sa. Now, after more than four years, the gates of the Void open once again to reveal a glimpse of the 160th playable character in League of Legends: Empress Bel’Veth.

Not too much is known about Bel’Veth yet, but it has already been revealed that she will be used in the Rift in the position of Jungler. Lore-wise, the ruler of the void plans nothing less than to tear down the entire world of Runeterra and remake it to her liking. In all likelihood, her story could be related to those of Malzhar and Vel’Koz, as they feature alongside Bel’Veth in two teaser trailers released by Riot Games.

A Demon Bird? Void Empress Bel’Veth

Although Riot has not yet released any gameplay videos, the first images of Bel’Veth are already circulating on the net. According to these, the now 160th champion in League of Legends visually resembles a raptor-like figure that seems to change visually after using its ultimate ability. Fans of the Cthulhu mythos might be directly reminded of the horror stories created by H.P. Lovecraft.

It is not yet known when Bel’Veth will see the light of day, but it is expected to be released after the Mid-Season Invitational at the latest.