New LoL Champion is a Lava Blob? Cryptic teaser raises questions


A new LoL teaser has surfaced that hints at the next champion named “Milio”. What is known about him so far?

A new LoL teaser shows a bouncing, cute lava blob. This one probably has something to do with the champion that will be released next.

“Milio” is the name of the new champ and it is not yet known what exactly he can do and what role he will play. Little by little, however, clues are accumulating.

The new teaser, however, raises almost more questions than it answers. What are the community’s suspicions?

What kind of blob is that?

The blob is apparently a so-called “Firebuddy” and has something to do with the new champion Milio. In the video you can see how a blob is controlled with the cursor – this is rather untypical, because multi-unit control doesn’t really exist in LoL yet.

For this very reason, Youtube user “Trix LoL” suspects that the Firebuddy will not simply be a companion like in Lulu’s Pix, but that Milio may be able to transform into it.

So similar to Nidalee with her cat form.

Leaks on Milio

The well-known leaker “Big Bad Bear” had already given some hints about Milio a week earlier. In the past, Big Bad Bear’s leaks have often been correct. Nevertheless, the information from the video should be taken with a grain of salt – none of it has been officially confirmed yet.

In the video, the leaker describes Milio as a cute Enchanter support and already gives hints about his kit. Some of these definitely coincide with the new Firebuddy leak.

We are curious when Riot Games will reveal details about Milio and with which patch he will come into the game. We will of course keep you up to date.

The moustache returns! The most important changes in LoL Patch 13.3

Although patch 13.3 is delayed by a day, it brings with it some big changes. Aurelion Sol finally gets his long-awaited rework and Braum gets some big buffs.

After there was a hacker attack at Riot Games, they are still struggling with the aftermath. Therefore, the League of Legends patch 13.3 is delayed by one day and will not arrive until 9 February. Among other things, the long-awaited Aurelion Sol rework is finally coming.

Aurelion Sol finally gets his rework

After being one of the most unpopular champions in League of Legends for some time now, Aurelion Sol finally gets his long-awaited rework.

This should help him gain popularity again and possibly slide back into the meta. In this article, we go into detail about all of his changes.

Annie gets strong buffs
In addition to Aurelion’s rework, there are several champions who will receive big buffs. For example, the beginner-friendly champion Annie is getting some love from Riot. She now gets to start the game with her passive fully charged and no longer has to charge her passive in Fountain.

Also, her E ability now gives a bigger shield and does more damage as well. Additionally, Tibbers gets more life, more resists and more run speed. All in all, Annie gets very nice buffs that should bring her back into the meta.

The Man with the Mustache is Back

Yes, you heard right, Braum might be coming back into the meta. Now that enchanters have dominated the bot lane for quite some time, Riot wants to counter it with a few buffs for melee supporters. Especially Braum and Alistar get some nice changes: The Poro friend gets a buff on his passive, which ensures that it has less cooldown earlier. Also, the cooldown on his Q is reduced, and the resistances his W gives are almost doubled. These changes should help Braum finally return to the bot lane.

Other strong champions on 13.3

As mentioned above, Alistar gets some buffs and therefore might return to the bot lane as well. Also, Nautilus, Pyke, Rakan and Thresh get some minor buffs.

Additionally, you should keep an eye on Kayle, who gets a little damage on her E and should get a small gameplay update in one of the upcoming patches.