New Support “Renata” – First Leaks on the League of Legends Enchanter


Riot Games already announced a supporter to break the Enchanter stereotype in LoL. Renata will take on this task.

In Riot Games opening video for the new LoL Season in 2022, they talked about new champions. In addition to a jungler, there was also already more information about a support champion.

Another Enchanter

Lead Champion Producer Ryan “Reav3” Mireles spoke in the opening video about the new champions to be released this year. On the one hand he announced Zeri, who is now playable, but on the other hand he also mentioned an upcoming support.

The team at Riot Games has been looking at enchanter champions, Mireles explained. Enchanters are a type of support champions that are meant to help the bot laner with their abilities, shields and healing. Examples of enchanters are Lulu, Sona and Karma. The LoL developers have noticed that their enchanters are all quite similar. They are always positive and friendly creatures.

They want to change this with their new support. There should also be a champion with whom the players feel strong or “like a boss”, the producer describes. The character should therefore be darker and more unusual.

This is what Renata is supposed to be like

But then, apart from a picture of the support hand, there was no further information. At the beginning, many suspected that the new character was Corina Veraza from Legends of Runeterra, also a Riot Games game. Due to her robot arm, there was also a certain resemblance.

But now the first leaks have surfaced and through them we can guess that Riot Games is developing a whole new champion. In a skin leak on Twitter, the supposed name of the enchanter “Renata” was discovered.

This also revealed that it is expected to appear in League of Legends patch 12.5. Another leak comes from a Chinese version of the mobile game Teamfight Tactics, the auto-chess game by Riot Games. A dataminer was already able to find Renata there.

Unfortunately, nothing is known about the champion’s abilities yet, but it is clear that League of Legends wants to try something new for Enchanter fans here. Although a release date is not yet certain, if Renata does indeed appear with patch 12.5, we can expect her in LoL on 2 March.