Now is the perfect time to get into League of Legends (especially with Game Pass).


Have you ever thought about starting LoL? The 2023 Season launch is the perfect opportunity – especially if you have a Game Pass subscription.

League of Legends is incredibly extensive, intense, tactical – and unfortunately for many also extremely daunting. If you’ve also flirted with LoL, but didn’t quite dare to dive into one of the most complex multiplayer games in the world, now’s your chance!

Here are three reasons (four if you have the Game Pass) why the start of the new Season 2023 could be the perfect starting point for your LoL career. What’s changing this year and which new champions are coming is best explained to you by the developers themselves:

All Champions in Game Pass

Players of League of Legends who have a Game Pass subscription will start the year with all the champions the game has to offer – over 160 characters with unique skills will be available to you right from the first minute of play! This eliminates the tedious process of working towards a specific hero: Especially the newer champions are quite expensive and require either a lot of grind or reaching for the credit card.

With the Game Pass, this problem is solved immediately, because all upcoming champions are automatically available to you at release! So you can immediately try everything to your heart’s content and are not limited to the limited rotation of free champions like other Free2Play players.

Yes, 160 champions at once may sound intimidating at first – as a newcomer, one of the biggest hurdles is learning and understanding the hundreds of abilities in the game! So don’t jump wildly from champion to champion, but rather use the Game Pass advantage to find your own rhythm with the best beginner champions first.

The second nice side effect for new players with Game Pass is the automatic XP boost of 20 percent, so you can get all the important unlocks faster – for example runes and Summoner spells, which you take into every match as an additional loadout, so to speak, and improve your champion. Here, too, the subscription ensures less grind and an earlier sense of achievement.

The jungle becomes more inviting than ever

The role of the jungler, roaming off the main paths (lanes), killing neutral monsters and then suddenly striking from ambush where hopefully no one expects it, is traditionally one of the most difficult positions in the game. Even LoL developer Phlox admits in the video: “Learning Jungle in a way that makes it really fun is just way too hard.”

The prevailing opinion: too complicated, too dangerous and too confused for most newcomers to LoL – at least until now. Because the start of the new Season in 2023 marks a turnaround for junglers and should finally make the position attractive to new players!

Because now there are new Jungle Companions who will stand by your side in dangerous terrain and give you useful bonuses, for example a shield based on your life energy. You can buy the cute companions as eggs in the in-game shop and breed them up as the match progresses – an ideal reinforcement to cope with the monster camps in the jungle even as a beginner.

(The new Companions come in different varieties to help you through the Jungle.)
(The new Companions come in different varieties to help you through the Jungle.)

This is even easier with the new path system, which automatically suggests the ideal way through the jungle to farm efficiently. So if you don’t know where to go next, LoL has already calculated an idea based on the most successful jungler routes. Practical!

Last but not least, with the help of the new ping system you can now signal your team mates without chat that they should lure an opponent for you. At the touch of a button, you place a “Bait” marker on the map and your comrade immediately knows that you intend to strike from the jungle.

Thus, the thankless jungler role may even become a good starting point for your career in League of Legends. What’s certain is that there are now far more heroes comfortably playable in this role than ever before. So don’t be afraid and venture in!

Automatic Rune Recommendations

Many beginners are intimidated by the rune meta in LoL. What are runes again? This package of passive bonuses can be customised to give your champion a little in-game advantage (or compensate for weaknesses). And it is a small science in itself. Because depending on the champion and role, there are a multitude of options.

So far there have only been two options in LoL: Either you dig deep into the system and painstakingly create your own runes for every situation or you constantly research the current meta on fan websites and bluntly adopt the runes with the highest chance of winning.

But now LoL is finally taking the pressure off the kettle and introducing automatic rune recommendations. Here’s what it looks like:

(Loadouts have never been so easy in LoL: choose champion and preferred rune set and into the match.)
(Loadouts have never been so easy in LoL: choose champion and preferred rune set and into the match.)

Once you have chosen your champion before the start of the round, the system will automatically suggest three suitable rune packages, which you simply take over with one click. This saves time and lets you, as a beginner, concentrate on the essentials – namely what happens in the match.

Instead of long pregame fumbling, you simply take the rune recommendations with you in the first weeks and months and can rest assured that you haven’t chosen a big mess. One less worry in the game’s long catalogue of entry hurdles.

Shorter Seasons, More Rewards

Each Ranked Season in League of Legends has always lasted a full 12 months – a perspective that can be quite overwhelming for new players. After all, you had to live with the result you achieved throughout the year. Only landed on bronze? Well, too bad, then have fun fighting your way out of this quagmire by New Year! But that’s over now, because LoL is introducing a big season split and is thus breaking your Ranked year into two parts.

In plain language: In the summer of 2023 there will be a big reset of all ranks and you will once again have the chance to start fresh without any legacy. So if your start doesn t go quite as you would like, you will have the chance to start again in a few months and can immediately put into practice what you have learned so far

Overall, this should make League of Legends feel a lot less tough when you’re playing Ranked. Plus, even as a beginner, you’ll have twice the chance to earn rewards. In each of the two season half-years (also called splits), you can unlock all icons, emotes and skins based on your rank.

And there’s another barrier: you don’t necessarily have to reach gold within a split to get the coveted Ranked Skins. So if you end up on silver (or below), for example, you can still unlock the full pack of rewards. Especially for new players, this more generous ranked procedure will feel much more rewarding.

The conclusion: Of course, League of Legends is and remains a complicated game that requires a lot of training. Only those who have enough time and patience will enjoy LoL in the long run. But the course for a smooth entry hasn’t been as favourable as it is now for years.