Popular Champion Ahri Receives Rework in LoL Patch 12.3


Riot Games has announced the first significant change for patch 12.3 in League of Legends. Ahri fans need to be prepared for drastic adjustments.

Champion Ahri is changing in League of Legends with the new update – with some buffs and some clear nerfs. On Wednesday, Riot Games character designer August Browning announced that the nine-tailed vixen is getting a mini-rework. The update is scheduled for February 1.

Although Ahri is one of the most popular characters in the LoL universe, she often fell out of the Champion Picks grid on the mid-lane. The new adjustments are meant to make playing with her a bit more fun, though the exact changes don’t promise an immediate improvement.

Especially looking at the nerfs, you quickly notice that Ahri becomes much more vulnerable. Her base stats like HP, armour and healing clearly drop. Her increased mana cost for the Q ability is still within limits.

Most importantly, her previously strong passive healing ability is now made dependent on Ahri taking down many Minions or monsters with a Last Hit. Only those who control the champion very well can take advantage of the healing. Nine essence fragments have to be collected for this, i.e. after nine minion or monster kills, Ahri heals himself and receives an additional 25 percent more Ability Power (AP).

The changed passive could have a powerful effect as soon as an enemy champion is defeated. Ahri then uses their essence to heal herself more strongly and get another chunk of AP. However, Riot Games weakens the damage of the E-ability. This is because the damage that was previously increased by 20 per cent has been taken out. To compensate, the base damage of the E has been slightly increased and the mana cost reduced.

Simple buffs are noted for the W and Ultimate ability. While the W allows for more damage for a lower mana cost, the Spirit Rush benefits from the Passive. The duration can increase significantly as a result, making Ahri “a mobile mage to have more opportunities to be a carry in fights,” according to Riot Games August.