Practice Tool in LoL – How to use the practice area correctly

Practice Tool

Many League of Legends players:inside who want to improve rely on normal and ranked matches. However, there is another place to practice. We’ll show you what you can learn in the practice area.

The practice area in LoL is not called the practice area for nothing. However, many people are not aware of how they can best use the many different options to improve in League of Legends. In the following, we will show you what is possible in the practice area.

Flash combos

A well-known trick that even the pros like to use is the flash combo. This involves combining the summoner spell with one or more abilities. This surprises the opponents and often also improves the used ability in range or speed. However, the combo is not so easy to implement at first try. It requires a feeling for the range and duration of the flash, as well as a certain dexterity.

This can be trained particularly well in the practice area, as the cooldowns of the abilities and summoner spells can be turned off. Thus, the combo can be used infinitely

Test out items

In the practice area it is possible to give yourself enough gold that every item can be bought and tried out. So you can try out different items and combinations for your champion. You can then try out the damage you cause on the dummies (target dummy). In addition, items can be studied in detail in order to better understand the passive effects, for example. The same applies, of course, to the abilities of the various champions. There is rather less time for this in most games.

Farms and Wave Management

Farming, the targeted killing of enemy minions for gold, is one of the most important mechanics in LoL. Proper farming can create huge gold advantages, which can win the game on its own. This makes it all the more important to practise this from time to time. Although there are no opponents here who try to interfere with your farming, it is easier to find and train the perfect time to attack the minions.

Farming below the tower, which is especially difficult for beginners, can also be learned. If normal farming is already going well, wave management can also be practised. The aim is to place your own and your opponent’s minions as advantageously as possible in the line by farming. Depending on the situation, this can happen in the middle of the line, near your own or your opponent’s tower.

Skill combinations

Depending on the champion, there are special combinations of abilities that are particularly strong or make it extremely difficult for the opponent to defend himself. An example of this is the Aatrox combination of the Q ability “The Blade of the Gloomy” with his E “Gloomy Leap”. This makes it more difficult for the opponent to dodge and react in time. So to really master a champion, it is tricks like this that should be learned.

Another example is Brand’s combinations. With him, the order of the abilities is very important, as each one produces a different effect. This is due to his passive ability. In general, combinations of abilities can be practised and trained, especially since you can also turn off the cooldowns for this.