Pure chaos! New mode announced


In League of Legends, ten players are usually divided into two teams. Now, developer Riot Games is planning a small gameplay revolution and has announced a Death Match game mode for multiple duos.

In League of Legends, we could soon be in for a new game mode that is less reminiscent of the classic way the popular MOBA title works. Riot Games has announced via Twitter that the company is currently working on a Death Match-like game mode that breaks up the classic team construct of five players. Instead, there will be four duos competing against each other.

The focus will be on fast-paced battles between the teams, which will gain new and unique abilities as the game progresses, offering combinations of both their own and others’ skills. However, in contrast to the classic “5-against-5″, the whole thing is supposed to be faster and offer a change from the established game modes such as Draft, Ranked and ARAM.


Speed is also noticeable in the way the game mode itself is set up. As soon as a team is eliminated from a match in progress, it can immediately join the queue for a new match.

Riot itself stated that the new game mode will be integrated into League of Legends in an experimental state in order to grant players direct access. Accordingly, the company asks all players for their indulgence, should errors or bugs still be noticeable here and there.

An exact release date has not yet been announced, but the game mode is expected to be released this summer.