Riot Games, League of Legends, LoL Patch 12.12b and 12.13 Preview


This update content shakes things up a lot. Riot Games is not only bringing a micropatch to League of Legends on Thursday, but is already showing drastic changes to two champions in update 12.13.

An avalanche of adjustments is rolling towards League of Legends. As early as Thursday, micropatch 12.12b will become active. Two weeks later, massive adjustments are to follow in update 12.13.

As Riot Games lead designer Matt Leung-Harrison announced via Twitter on Wednesday, four champions will get a buff in micropatch 12.12b, while seven will be generated.

In the Champions, Bel’Veth has to take a beating once again. The newest character in the LoL universe receives less health and attack damage increase. In addition, the cooldown of the E-ability is increased and at the same time the Lifesteal effect is permanently fixed at 20 percent. Meanwhile, Senna has to make do with 30 points less base health. Wukong has also been hit hard. The jungler now does 40 percent less damage to monsters.

On the other hand, fans of Caitlyn can rejoice. Her passive damage will again be increased by 10 percent and the bonus damage of the W will also increase. Meanwhile, Leona also receives more passive damage, Shaco enjoys a higher Attack Damage Ratio as well as reduced cooldown of the W ability.

Patch 12.13 with focus on Sivir and Gwen

In the first information for patch 12.13, which is scheduled for release on 13 July, concrete as well as versatile adjustments to the champions Sivir and Gwen are planned. Both will receive massive changes. Sivir is to receive “more moments of personal strength”. Her kit will remain the same, but will be improved.

Specifically, Sivir will start the match with slightly reduced Ability Damage and Base Mana. In return, her stats should increase significantly from the mid-game onwards. In addition, her W ability for wave management will improve, because the damage from an enemy will hit an adjacent enemy even more. In return, this effect is no longer infinite.

Her E ability can still intercept enemy spells, but no more mana immediately returns to the pool in return. Sivir gets a heal for herself, though. Most of all, her Ultimate is changed. Her R-Cooldown is drastically reduced, but the Attack Speed is also removed. However, a takedown renews her abilities, which should give her more explosive options.

On the other hand, Gwen receives clear adjustments especially on her Q skill. The Ability Power is increased. In addition, the Wave Clear against Minions is significantly improved if they already have less than 20 percent health. Speaking of health: Gwen’s HP regeneration also increases slightly. Her E gets more range and magic damage. In addition, there is more Ability Power for the Ultimate.

In addition to the champion adjustments, mythic items with a Lethality Factor will also be improved. The affected mythic items include Duskblade, Prowlers and Eclipse. All items increase the passive speed by 5. Additionally, the range damage of Eclipse is improved.

Report from 28 June

Riot Games lead designer Matt Leung-Harrison announced on Tuesday that a micropatch 12.12b will follow the already released patch. This is scheduled to go online on Thursday.
“We are planning a 12.12 micropatch to hit a few special cases on 30 June,” Matt Leung-Harrison said in his statement on Twitter. Champions who were hit too hard by nerfs in the 12.11 update should get a buff again.