Support Meta in LoL? All info on Patch Preview 13.3


There is a new preview of LoL Patch 13.3, which is scheduled to go live on 8 February. We have summarised all the info for you.

Comes a supportMeta?

After some ADC champs have recently been buffed, Riot takes on the other role of the bot.Lane before: Supports.

There are some big buffs coming our way too:


On the purple Support Minotaur, all abilities – except Ultimate – are changed:

  • Cry of Victory Changes:

    • Self-healing changed 23-142 -☻ 5% max HP (approx. 40% buff)

    • Healing for allies changed 46-284 -☻ 6% of Alistar”s max HP

  •  Powdering Improvements:

    • Mana cost reduced 55/60/65/70/75 -☻ 50/55/60/65/70

    • AP-scaling increased 50% -☻ 70%

  •  headbutt Improvements:

    • Mana cost reduced 65/70/75/80/85 -☻ 50/55/60/65/70

    • AP-scaling increased 70% -☻ 90%

  •  Trampling Improvements:

    • Mana cost reduced 50/60/70/80/90 ☻☻ 50/55/60/65/70

    • AP-scaling increased 40% ☻☻ 70%


The popular tank

 with massive biceps and imposing moustache, receives only enhancements:

  • Base HP regeneration increases 8.5 -☻ 10

  • Base HP increased 610 -☻ 640

  • Shocking blows – Immunity duration of the target reduced (this also means a reduction of the cool-down on the stun) 8/6/4 seconds (depending on level 1/7/13) -☻ 8/6/4 seconds (depending on level 1/6/11)

  • Winter Bite – Cooldown reduced 10/9/8/7/6 ☻☻ 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds


Even the drowned sailor who likes to play his havoc in the bot lane can enjoy a few buffs:

  •  Vast Blow – Bonus damage increases 8-110 -☻ 14-116 (depending on level)

  •  Wrath of the Titan Improvements:

    • Mana cost reduced 80 -☻ 60

    • Shield increased 40/50/60/70/80 -☻ 50/60/70/80/90

  • Raging Tide – Damage increased 55/85/115/145/175 (+30% AP) -☻ 55/90/125/160/195 (+50% AP)


Although the community doesn”t necessarily agree with calling it a support, the aspect of war, Pantheon, also gets some improvements:

  • Base attack speed increased 0.644 -☻ 0.658

  •  Cometre Spear Improvements:

    • Mana cost reduced 30 -☻ 25

    • Cooldown reduced 13/11.75/10.5/9.25/8 -☻ 11/10/9/8/7 seconds


Curiously not the only drowned sailor on this list, Pyke receives a few, albeit strong, enhancements:

  •  Bone Spike – AD-scaling increased 60% -☻ 100%

  •  Phantomsog – damage increased 105/135/165/195/225 -☻ 105/145/185/225/265


The charming dancer and partner of Xayah is buffed and can thus assist her even better in the future:

  •  Phoenix Feather Improvements:

    • Damage increased 70/115/160/205/250 (+70% AP) -☻ 70/125/180/235/290 (+90% AP)

    • Healing increased 30-115 -☻ 40-210 (depending on level)

  •  Successful performance – AP-scaling increased 70% -☻ 80% (Phreak writes in his video “W – Battle Dance”. Battle Dance is the English name of Rakan”s E. He explains that Rakan needs more AP damage, so it can be assumed that he mixed up the names of Rakan”s W and E).


The green ghost with the lantern haunting the bot lane will spread more fear and terror in the future:

  • Damnation – AP and armour per soul increased 1 -☻ 1.25

  •  Death Sentence – Damage increased 100/140/180/220/260 (+50% AP) -☻ 100/145/190/235/280 (+75% AP)

  •  Dark Path – Cooldown adjusted 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 -☻ 21/20/19/18/17 seconds

  •  Whipping out Improvements:

    • Cooldown reduced 13/12.25/11.5/10.75/10 -☻ 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds

    • AP-scaling increased 40% -☻ 60%

Item: Radiant Virtue

Not only support champions, an item is also improved. Although the item already has a very good winrate.

But especially in the solo queue the item is not bought enough. Therefore, Riot tries to make the item more attractive especially for tank supports with the following improvements:

  • Guiding Light Changes:

    • Cooldown increased 60 ☻☻ 90 seconds

    • Max HP increased 10% ☻☻ 15%

    • Healing increases 8% max HP over 9 seconds ☻ 15% max HP over 8 seconds

    • Ability speed and healing boost removed

These improvements sound way too strong right off the bat, however, the activation method is also to be adjusted. It is not yet clear exactly how the item will be activated in the future.

Two options that Phreak presented look like this:

  • Will no longer be activated with the Ultimate, but -☻ Manual (not sure yet)

  • Save Anchor added – If you take damage that would drop your life below 15%, the ability will activate. The cooldown of the lifelink would be the same as that of the manual activation. (not sure yet)

We are curious to see how the announced changes will change the meta. One thing is for sure: the community is happy about such detailed videos like the one by Phreak. This makes it easier to understand some of the updates.

You can watch Phreak”s full video here: