Teamfight Tactics comes to mobile phones: Mobile release of TFT on Thursday


After the launch of the new set, Teamfight Tactics will also be available on Android and iOS. The “Galaxies”-Update for TFT is playable since today.

A little surprising is the information that Riot Games is taking the step into mobile gaming this week, in addition to the Set 3.

TFT Mobile starts on Thursday and will be cross-platform playable against PC gamers. The Riot account is cross-platform like skins and co.

The pre-registration for Android is already open.

Set 3 – Galaxies: This is new
“Ranking season, new champions, new attributes, new items, new small legends, new arenas. In addition to the more flashy stuff, we’ve also made some deeper system changes, like changes to the income and item systems.”

This is how Riot describes the changes with the new set itself on the website.

In addition, there is a separate “cheat sheet” to help you get started. There is also a detailed overview of all changes in the patchnotes.

TFT is the Autobattler of the League of Legends universe. In rounds you play against each other with different characters and combinations.