The next champion in LoL: “Bel’Veth” – New videos on the Jungler from the Void


There are new details on the upcoming Jungler in League of Legends. Riot has posted more teasers for the 160th champion, Bel’Veth.

New teasers show more of the new jungler coming soon to League of Legends. In two short story teasers, Bel’Veth speaks to the other known champions associated with the Void.

Official Story Teaser

Officially, Riot has uploaded two new short videos that elaborate on the story background of Bel’Veth. The teasers are each directed at a champion who is already connected to the void. The first teaser is addressed to the “Prophet of the Void”, Malzahar, while the second video goes to Vel’Koz, the “Eye of the Void”.

Bel’Veth claims in the teasers to be the Void itself and announces to change all of Runeterra as Empress. Matching the previously known details in which Riot has called her the “all-eating empress. “

Aptitude leaks

Apart from the official sources, a leak on Bel’Veth’s abilities also made the rounds on Reddit. In a short video, Big Bad Bear showed Bel’Veth in action:

Here is an overview of the leaked abilities:

Q – Bel’Veth gets an arrow in 4 diagonal directions. The active part of the ability is a  Dash, which also slows enemies and works synergistically with the arrows.

W – Bel’Veth burrows and can thus get herself under walls with increased movement speed. When she emerges she deals damage and throws enemies into the air.

E – Bel’Veth starts channelling a vortex and cannot move in time. The vortex deals damage while Bel’Veth is in the vortex she takes less damage and reflects some of the damage she takes.

Passive – Enemies defeated by Bel’Veth drop “Corals” which she can collect. She can then summon swarms from them and thus gets Lifesteal against Jungle Camps. Bel’Veth can also use this on towers or epic monsters, but uses up all “Corals” in the process.

Ultimate – Bel’Veth transforms and gets buffs on all stats and skill in this form. Now when she picks up the “Corals” from her passive ability, she gains HP and deals damage again to enemies in the area with the swarm.

These leaks are not official and therefore of course to be taken with a grain of salt. We will keep you updated as soon as new information becomes available.

Article from 21.04:

After the release of Zeri and Renata Glasc in the past few months, a new jungler is set to be added to League of Legends in the foreseeable future. So far, there aren’t many details about the new champion, but a leaked gameplay video surfaced on Wednesday that gives a first look at the jungler.

The short video not only gives information about the appearance of the champion, but also shows the possible name – Bel’Veth is supposed to be the name of the jungler. As already known from earlier information, it is supposed to be thematically a champion from the void.

In the video, Bel’Veth takes the form of a manta ray. The fins of the animal serve as a cloak. The shape of Bel’Veth, however, is hardly recognisable. In addition, the champion seems to have two appearances. When the Jungler uses his Ultimate, the colour of the manta ray changes and the head also transforms. This turns golden, which also underlines the status of Bel’Veth. Riot had referred to the champion as “Empress.”

In the Champion Roadmap: April 2022, it was also revealed that the new champion has the ability to bend others to their will. Nevertheless, it is not yet known what skills the new jungler possesses. However, this could indicate that the champion may be able to enchant enemies in the game and thus control them.

Article from 24.01.2022

League of Legends offers a variety of champions to choose from. But that doesn’t stop developer Riot Games from creating more characters. After Zeri, it seems they are now working on this champion.

“I see everything. “

The Void, or the void, is a region from the League of Legends universe. It is often associated with very dark characters. The upcoming Jungler is also said to come from this region. This is how it was announced in the League of Legends video.

When Ryan “Reav3” Mireless, the lead champion producer, starts talking about this new champion in the video, it seems like the champion is talking about him. “I see it. I see it all. The lavender lake, purple cities cover the land. It rules everything, my empress. This is what Runeterra should be, its true form,” he says in a sombre voice.

Unfortunately, there is no more information about the jungler yet and Riot Games has not commented further on this. What is certain is that this champion will be quite fearsome. In addition, he will probably resemble other characters that also come from the Void. These would be champions like Rek’Sai or Kha’Zix, for example.